Monday, September 8, 2014

Sunshine Days

Today I taught three classes of ballet. I am back teaching with The Dance Connection and I am so happy to be doing it again. My sweet little friend Aubree is able to be in one of my classes and I was so happy to have her there. She did so great and I think had a lot of fun. I was happy her Mom took a picture of us and then posted it so that I could take it for my own. :) I love teaching dance!
After my classes I hurried to Pinnacle Sports Grill to celebrate the birthday of another dear friend of mine. Leara Leasure is another lady that I have the privilege of visiting teaching and through going to visit her for the past couple of years she has become more then just someone I visit teach. She is definitely an elect lady who has taught me so much. I love her a lot and am so grateful I get to call her my friend. I had a lot of fun being with this group of Ladies where I was the youngest one by at least 30 years. Kenedy said a couple of weeks ago that my church friends are Old Ladies and Nursery kids. Ha! I love it, both my Nursery kids and the Older Sisters I have the privilege of being around. I told Kenedy these Sisters are secret gems and are so funny and fun to be around. Everyone should make friends with Older Sisters, they are the best!
For Family Home Evening Kefford wanted us to take advantage of the nice weather while we still have it since cold weather is fast approaching. I stopped of at Albertsons on my way to pick up the girls from school and got some chicken and other things for a picnic dinner. When we got home we gathered up our supplies and headed over to Tully Park. We had so much fun eating dinner in the sunshine and the kids liked playing at the park and we all enjoyed shooting some hoops. I sure love this little family of mine and am so glad we can take advantage of the warm weather while we have it.