Sunday, September 7, 2014

Neighborhood Dog Show

My kids along with all of their neighborhood friends put on another neighborhood show. This time a dog show. Avynlea and Alex were the hosts and announcers again and everyone else paired up with a neighbor friend that had a dog. Ryler was out helping Kefford in Emmett and so he was not involved. 
Rylee was with Gretchen and they had Gretchen's Grandma's dog Dutchess. Basically Avynlea and Alex would give a little bit of information about the breed of dog we were going to be seeing and then they would announce the handlers, who then came out and tried to get their dog to do some tricks. Some succeeded a little and most others did not. The one thing that everyone did was to get their dog with them onto the mini trampoline and then jump their dog. It was a cute show and another fun thing that brings the neighborhood together. I like that this is always a well thought out event that had been planned and practiced for a couple of weeks. Not a spur of the moment entertainment. 

Kenedy is in acting class this year and the teacher has told them about a trip they are planning on taking at the end of the year to New York. This trip will cost about $2,000 and when Kenedy told me that I told her good luck with that. I just spent too much money for her to do cheer and I was not dishing out another cent. She really wants to go and has been brainstorming on ways to earn money. She set up  little lemonade sale at this show and sold cups of lemonade for a $1. She earned $16 doing that but still has a long way to go.