Friday, January 28, 2011

Let's Dance

A couple of weeks ago my girls had a little informal dance recital. I really did not tell anyone about it because I figured it was just a work in progress one and I didn't think anyone would care to come. I know I need to be better about just telling about these things and letting family and friends decide for themselves if they want to come. So if you are one who would have come please don't be upset with me, I am really bad at this sort of stuff.
So this recital was dubbed a work in progress and it was super informal. No costumes, no fancy lighting, just the kids showing what they have been learning so far. I have to say that my three girls were the best looking and all did so good in their dancing. I love seeing how much they have progressed from the previous year.
Avynlea and Rylee performed the Ballet dance they have been working on and they did really great. They are on their way to becoming fantastic little dancers, making their Mama oh so proud.
Rylee got a pink leotard for Christmas and Avy got a blue one. They were told to wear a solid colored Leotard with a skirt for the recital. Avy did not have a skirt to go with her blue Leotard and I really wanted them to match so I thought I would have them wear their black leotards with the black skirts, but I could not find Avynleas Leotard, it has gone missing. I have since found out that it has been at her friends house hanging out for the past two months. She went to a birthday party one night right after dance class and because she changed at their house her Dance clothes got left their forgotten. What a relief to know where her stuff has been. So since I had no black Leo for Avy and since they needed pink tights without holes I went to Wal-Mart to get some supplies. While there I grabbed a pink leotard for Avynlea, pink skirts for both and pink tights for both. Luckily the items were all pretty cheap. Really cute but really I like it! Once we got home and got them dressed I realized that I got two medium skirts instead of small. My girls are super thin and so the skirts sagged a bit. I told Rylee she needed to keep her belly pushed out in order to hold up her skirt but instead of pushing out she kept sucking in. I kept saying "no push OUT" but she didn't get it and kept sucking in. Oh well, they were adorable!

Kenedy got to perform her hip hop number they have been working on and she did amazing! This girl has some dancing talent! I love it! She was nervous but she did great and she had a lot of fun performing the routine she has been working on for months. She had two friends who wanted to come and watch and so we brought them along with us. It warmed my heart to see her friends there supporting her and telling her how great she did. Kenedy really has a super group of friends and I love that she has that support and love from them. Not all of her friends were able to make it but the two who did were really sweet to come and watch!
Kenedy's teacher told the girls to wear whatever shirt they wanted, jeans and tennis shoes for the dance. Kenedy chose an appropriate shirt for the number with my help but instead of tennis shoes wore her boots. She does not have tennis shoes only boots but it worked and she looked great!

Natalia, Kenedy and Cassie