Sunday, January 23, 2011


This is a funny story. I left Rylee to play at her friends house while I went to the school to help out in the kids classrooms. When I got back i was talking with her friends Mom and Rylee kept telling me she had a secret to tell. I finally told her to wait till we got in the car and I hurried to finish up the conversation. Once we got to the car and Rylee climbed in she leaned in to whisper her secret in my ear "I took a marble". What? She said it again and not quite sure knowing what to think I looked in her backpack to see if she really did take a marble. Sure enough there was a red marble underneath some of the papers she had in there. I gave Rylee another little lecture, this time about taking things that do not belong to us and then I took the marble and returned it to its rightful owner. She is such a crazy kid. Have to give the little lady props for her honesty!

While I am thinking about it I might as well write down a funny that happened to me at the kids school. Rykers teacher usually has me go out in the hallway with one of the students to help them individually. I was in the hall helping one of the boys in his class one day when suddenly he turned to me and said "Something smells stinky". I immediately drew my head further back away from him because I knew it was my breath, I had not yet eaten that day though it was past lunch time and I could taste that my breath was kicking. In the seconds that it too for me to process all of this this honest little boy looked at me and said "It could be your breath". I of course, acting like the mature adult that I am quickly retorted "Maybe it's YOUR breath". It kinda silenced him but we both knew who had the stinky breath. I now actively chew breath mints any time I even think about volunteering at that school! :0)