Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Avynlea!

It was Ground hogs day but it was also Avynleas sixth birthday! I had planned her birthday party to be on Saturday and I was making it a surprise so she had no idea. Since she did not know about her party I had to make her actual day somewhat special.

Avy made the cute little groundhog hat in Kindergarten. She looks adorable! On a side note do you notice the scabies all around her mouth? She had those nasty sores for about a week before I finally took her into the Dr. Turned out she had impetigo which is highly contagious. Oops. I have been sending her to school and church with this disease. Thank heavens she is not a kissing kindergartner, that would have been bad. :o)
We got some medicine for it and after a couple of days it cleared up good. Thank Heavens!
When Avynlea woke up i let her open her gift that her Grandma Bonnie sent her. Money and a whole mess of Bubblegum. Now that made the birthday girl smile. My Mom always sends the kiddos their favorite treat along with their birthday money and for Avynlea, there is nothing in this world she loves more then bubblegum! She was one happy girl!
I let Avynlea pick what she wanted to eat for breakfast and of course she picked pancakes, her favorite breakfast food. She also wanted them blue so she got blue pancakes with a star candle on the Special plate. Yeah!
After breakfast she got to open her gifts from Grandma Alison. A couple of weeks ago Keffords Mom came and took us to Target so that Avynlea could pick out some new clothes. She had a ball being the center of attention and picked out some way cute clothes. I gave them to her in the morning so that she could wear her new clothes on her birthday.
After school Kefford came home a little early and we told avynlea she could pick where we went to eat. She originally said McDonald's but when Kefford put the words Dairy Queen into her head she latched on and insisted that was where we had to go. So off to dairy Queen we went. After our yum meal we came home and let Avynlea open her presents from us. She kept telling me she wanted some boy barbies so their girl barbies would not be lonely anymore so that is what she got. Rylee and I went to Target a couple of days earlier and picked out Avynleas presents. I told Rylee she had to keep it a secret and could not tell Avynlea no matter what. I had my doubts but she surprised me and kept it to herself. My sweet little secret keeper.
So Avynlea got two boy barbies, some barbie boy clothes and some extra barbie clothes. I am so tired of seeing naked Barbies so I had to get some extra clothes so that they had no more excuses.
Rylee and I got Avy some cupcakes from the store so that Avynlea could have a cake on her birthday. We found some cute ones that had princess rings on them and they were a big hit with the birthday girl.
After the kids ate their cup cakes only two cupcakes were left, mine and Keffords. Rylee saw those cupcakes, took the rings off, licked the frosting off the rings and put them back on the cupcakes. What a funny kid.
We were able to give Avynlea a great birthday but the best part is yet to come! :o)