Tuesday, January 4, 2011

All in a days work

A couple of weeks before Christmas we went to the kids elementary school for a Breakfast with Santa. The price of admission was $2 or we could donate food to the food bank. We have a bunch of boxes of cereal that I got for about $.30 a year ago which the kids were not eating because they did not like it. So I told them to each grab a box and we will donate the cereal in exchange for our admission. The kids got a little bit upset with Rylee because she insisted on taking a box of Honeycomb which is one the kids all like. I told them to chill out and leave her alone and that she was the only one who was really doing it right by giving away something she liked. I really don't think she got what was going on, I think she thought we were taking the cereal to eat but I did not let on, i wanted these kids humbled. :0)
The breakfast was fine but we all thought Santa was going to be there eating with us which he was not. He hadn't arrived yet. Boooo. Rylee was especially disappointed she was really excited to see him. While we waited to Santa to arrive we walked around and looked at the booths that were filled with crafts. There really was not anything that excited me enough to want to buy although I did find a booth that had some really cutes bows for sale. They had ones that would have matched each of my three girls Christmas dresses perfectly. I contemplated but finally decided I was not willing to pay the eight dollars a bow she wanted.
Finally Santa arrived and we were first in line for the meet and greet. They had a photographer there to take pictures of all the kids with Santa but of course she was not quite set up and ready so while she was doing her thing I took my own pictures. I love how unafraid Rylee was and all the kids thought it was kind of fun!

After the Breakfast we took Kenedy to her friends house so that she could ride with her to another friends birthday party and the rest of us headed out to go to Rykers last basketball game of the season. Keffords brother Trevor came so he could watch Ryker play and Kefford video taped it so that Ryker could show his Grandpa all of his sweet moves. Ryker had a great experience this season and is looking forward to playing again next fall.

After the game we went to Fred Myers because earlier we saw a sign saying the wienermobile was going to be there at noon. We got there right a noon and saw a whole lotta nothing. So we walked around the store, bought a couple of things and then finally 30 minutes late the thing showed up. We went out to see it and they let us peek inside the door and that was it. I was so disappointed! Free hotdogs would have been great, maybe a dancing hotdog running around or at the very least to have them actually let us inside the vehicle would have been nice. Oh well the kids did get a sticker saying they saw the wienermobile so I guess that is something.