Sunday, March 15, 2020


On Saturday we went back to American Fork and the girls and I went with my sisters to a craft fair that was going on. They had a lot of fun stuff and it was fun to walk around and look at all of the crafts while visiting with my sisters. For the rest of the day we sat around and visited with each other talking and playing games. It was nice to just hang out and be with my family, something that does not happen very often. 
We spent  a lot of time talking about Covid-19 the corona virus that came from China and was now hitting the United States pretty hard. I have been hearing about this flu since January but it wasn't a big deal to me because at the time it was only affecting China and then Italy. They were shut down but now it was in the USA and we were watching as America started shutting down. While we sat there all of our school districts started announcing school closures. It was a surreal situation and I could not believe this was going on. 
WestAda, our school district, was planning on staying open even though everything else was shutting down. I was ok with it and was planning on having my kids still go to school on Monday although I knew a lot of parents were not going to let their kids. I just didn't see it as that big of a deal. But later that evening I got another email saying that due to concerns from parents and staff that our school district was shut down until the end of spring break. Spring break is March 23rd to the 27th and hopefully by then this will be all figured out and we can get back to normal. For now though we are in Quarantine.
 I would not be too worried about it except that also church is now shut down. I am so amazed with our Prophet and how in tune he is. We have been taught and been trained for home center church and now here we are having to do it at least for the next couple of weeks. In addition to school closures and church closures, Temples are closed for all proxy ordinances which really makes me sad. I don't know what I am going to do without my weekly Temple attendance. Our dance studio is closed and I am sad about that also, I am going to have to record my dances and send them out to all of my kids.

Also I feel it needs to be recorded that people have been going crazy and buying out all the food and of all things Toilet paper. Not sure why TP is on the hit list but that stuff is becoming impossible to find. Grocery stores were also selling out of a ton of stuff. I had a running grocery order on my walmart pickup app and throughout the day I watched all of the items I was hoping to get on Monday sell out. People are nuts!

When it was time for all of us to part ways we took a group picture and then Kefford and I and our kids headed back to Dustin's house to spend a little bit of time with them.
standing row: Andrew and Maddie, Avynlea, Ryker, Ben, Stephanie, Joshua, Amos, Isabelle, Matt and Emily and Mom
Kneeling row: Camry, Alyssa, Heather, Kenedy. Elizabeth, Ashleigh, Mallory, Fredrick and Rylee
I am not sure where Kefford was, he might have been at the store at this time.

Anthony took the group picture so then he took a selfie with all of us in the back so he could be in on the picture fun.