Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Years Day Hike

January 1st found Ashleigh, Andrew Brown, Atticus, Heather, Mom and Elizabeth hiking up Mt Rubidoux. Last year it was just Heather, Atticus and I because Mom wasn't feeling good and Andrew Brown had to take Ashleigh to the hospital because she had Mastitis. While last year was enjoyable it was even more fun this year with the extra company. Mom made it up to a certain point and then she went back to the car, her back was really bothering her and I know her Kidneys were also, she is a trooper for going as far as she did. The rest of us made it up the hill where we took a couple selfies with the view in the background. Atticus was the perfect baby and fell asleep in his stroller.

The next day Mom was doing her volunteer shift in the Hospital Gift Shop so Heather and I met her there for lunch. It was fun visiting with her and seeing her do her job. Heather had fun acting like a crazy person coming to the gift shop and Mom showed us where the panic button was in case a real crazy comes in.
Later in the evening I took down all of the ornaments off Mom's tree and packaged them up for her. I then did something I have never done by myself or at least have never done without Kefford's help, I took down the Christmas tree and packaged it up. That was a chore but it wasn't too bad, just left me with a couple of scratches and feeling like I had wrestled a very large porcupine. It was really hard work but I was happy to do the service for my Mom :0)