Saturday, January 4, 2020

Last Days in California

I wanted to be helpful and last year my Mom had her Christmas tree out for longer then she wanted so I took it upon myself to take her tree down. I took off all the ornaments and put them in their packaging and then I took the tree apart and wrestled it into its box. It was hard work and I was sweating by the time I was done but I was pretty proud of myself and really happy that I could help my Mom out. 
My Mom and I wanted to go to the Temple and I also wanted to visit my Aunt Jeri who lives about 30 minutes past the LA Temple, depending on traffic of course. On Friday Heather drove Mom and I to the Temple and then she took her car to charge while Mom and I did initiatories. I haven't done initiatories in the LA Temple since I went through for my own and it was cool to be able to do them again. I got done before Mom did and after I changed I looked around the locker room area and found the Bride's Room. The door was open so I went in and looked around. I really did not have any memory of being in the room when I was a bride but being in there brought back memories of when Ashleigh was a Bride. I was her hair stylist and was able to go in and be with her for a bit to fix up her hair, that is a good memory.
After we were done we went out and took a couple of pictures and then sat on a bench in the sunshine to talk while we waited for Heather to get back. It was a really nice time with my Mom.
After we got picked up we headed over to Simi Valley to see Aunt Jeri. We stopped off at Panera's  to get some lunch to take with us. We had a really nice and long visit with my Aunt. She had a tray of Christmas Cookies she had made sitting on the table and after we ate our lunch Heather and I sampled some of her cookies. Every single one we tried was so good and we tried a lot, we also had to try some of them twice just to make sure they were as good as we thought. They were delicious! My cousin Lisa stopped by to visit her Mom not knowing we were there and it was fun to catch up with her as well. She works the graveyard shift at the Hospital and had just woken up from sleeping so she would not be in the picture with us since she didn't have any makeup on. I thought she still looked beautiful but I can understand not wanting to be in a picture when I don't feel my best. She was sweet and took a picture of the rest of us for me. I love my Aunt Jeri and have good memories of her always being actively involved in our lives. She always sent us cards and money on our birthdays and remembered us at Christmas as well. We didn't see her as often as we wanted but I am pretty sure she is all of my siblings and my favorite Aunt because we knew she loved us and stayed in touch often. I just love her so much and am so glad I was able to visit her again.
Saturday Heather, Mom and I met up with Ashleigh and Atticus for one last hurrah before I left to fly home that afternoon. We went to Brandon's Diner for Brunch and it was delicious. I was glad I got to see Ashleigh and Atticus once more before I left. I had a really great and relaxing time in California and am really glad Kefford and my kids let me go down once a year by myself. After two uneventful flights I was picked up by Kefford and then I came home to a clean house with Christmas all put away! My family is the best! It was sad to leave my California family but I was happy to come home to my Husband and kids.