Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blood Draw Fail

We have a Life Insurance policy on Kefford and I guess the time has come to take one out on me. In order to get a policy I have to get a physical from one of the Company's nurses. I was happy that she came to my house, I would rather not have to go anywhere and I liked that aspect of the physical. I don't remember her name but she was a sweet lady who kept complimenting me on things about me, like how beautiful she thought my teeth were, and my house. She weighed and measured me and asked me questions about my health history she also had me pee in a cup so she could get that tested. At the end of the exam she had to do a blood draw and that is where the real excitement happened.
I was supposed to fast, which I did, and drink lot's of water, which I did, to prepare for the blood draw. She tried getting blood out of my left arm first and she got some in the tube and then my blood stopped flowing. She tapped my arm and wriggled the needle a bit but it was done. So she had to try my right arm and that one did worse. She couldn't get ay blood from that arm! She poked me a couple different times in that arm and kept wriggling the needle around but it was not happening. By this time of course I was feeling really woozy and not good. Once she gave up on that arm and took the needle out I had to lay down on the floor so I wouldn't pass out. Once I could move I crawled over to the couch and laid there while she came at me again with a needle, this time in my hand. Same story there, repeated pokes and lots of wriggling with nothing forth coming, it was not my day. She finally had to call it quits and say that I am going to have to have a different nurse come and try again, oh awesome. So I get to go through this all over again next week, hopefully better results will come.
Meanwhile I get to walk around with bruises on my arms and hand, good thing it's long sleeve weather.