Sunday, September 8, 2019

Personal Progress Awards

Well they did it! Avynlea and Rylee both completed their Personal Progress and earned their medallions! I am so proud of both of them, they have both made goals and worked hard to meet those goals. Avynlea finished hers about a month ago and had her interview with the Bishop and then nothing. I didn't push it because I knew Rylee was close to completing hers and I thought it would be cool to have them get their medallions together. Once Rylee finished her last project she met with the Bishop and then we let her Leaders know that she was done and that Avynlea needs hers also. They were super proud of my girls as well and had it set up so that they would get their medallions in sacrament meeting that week.
After the sacrament the Bishop had Avynlea and Rylee come up where they got their certificates and their medallions and then they were told they could sit back down. Honestly it was pretty anti-climatic. I wasn't wanting confetti and loud horns but I thought they could have talked about how much hard work goes into this andwaht an accomplishment it was but they didn't and that was too bad.
After church was over we came home and took some pictures with our amazing girls and their awards!