Thursday, July 18, 2019

Girls Camp!

July 15th I drove Avynlea and Rylee to the church so they could go to Girls Camp. When I was first released from Young WOmen's I was really bummed out about not going to Girls Camp with my girls this year. But as the weeks and preparations went on I became more OK with not going and was able to just be excited for them to have a fun adventure. It was Rylee's first year and she was pretty nervous about going but I knew she would be OK and that AVynlea would help her out.
Before they left a couple of group shots had to be taken. First the Beehives..
Then all of the Girls heading up to camp. 
Kim sent me these pictures later in the day, I missed out on seeing them being taken because I had to leave to get to a hair appointment and wasn't able to stay to see them leave for camp. I don't know if a picture was taken of the Mia Maids, none were sent to me if there was one.
I had a couple of pictures of Rylee sent to me during the week and it made me happy to see her looking happy. 
Rylee, Sister Gwilliams, Addie, Allie, Saylor and Brynn

Tayci and Rylee
On Thursday I was pretty excited to pick them up from the church. I was so excited to hear all about their week and they were very forthcoming with all of the information. It was a very fun week for both of them!
They both took naps after eating some lunch and when I went to wake them up I thought they looked so cute and took a picture of each of them. When Rylee saw the pictures later she thought Avynlea was faking sleep for the picture because she was in the exact same sleeping position that Rylee was in. I assured her that they were both fast asleep and just happened to be sleeping the same way.
One of the crafts they did at camp was to make a charm by pounding letters into a metal ring. Avynlea and her friends all made one that says SPAM which stands for Sadie, Paige, Avynlea and Madison. Cute