Saturday, February 16, 2019

Valentines Day

On Wednesday I went to the High School so that I could pay the bookkeeper the NHS fees for Ryker. While I was waiting for the bookkeeper my friend Scott who is the Vice Principle of the school passed by with some other administrative people looking a bit concerned and talking about some fire trucks. I didn't think anything of it, just said hi as he passed by and went on my way. It was a cold and rainy day and as I was leaving the school and getting into my car I saw a bunch of fire trucks in the parking lot with their lights flashing. I was really curious as to what was going on especially when I suddenly saw students pouring out of the school. I didn't see or smell any smoke and I wondered if it was just a drill and then I thought, what a crummy day to do a fire drill. As I left the parking lot and was driving down the road, a couple more fire trucks passed with their sirens and lights going and I saw all of the students gathering in the field. I sent a text to Ryker asking if he knew what was going on and he thought it might just be a drill. All of my questions were answered not too much longer when I got a text from the school saying the kids had to evacuate for a short time because of an electrical fire that had happened in the night but had gone out before they discovered it. For safety reasons they had to evacuate for the fire men to come and inspect. 
For Mutual that night I had the Beehives come to my house so I could teach them how to make Oreo Truffles and then we were going to go Heart Attack the Bishopric. Truffles are really easy to make but they do require to be frozen before dipping them in chocolate and since I knew we would not have time for that I decided to premake the ones we were going to deliver to the Bishopric. The girls were going to eat the ones they made that night. I had the pan of truffles in the freezer and after a couple of hours I went to pull them out for the dipping but when I opened the freezer the pan fell out and the truffles went all over the garage floor. Oops! I didn't want to waste the ones I had made so I checked them over very carefully and wiped them all off with a towel, hoped I didn't miss any grossness and went ahead with my plan. It was kind of sad but really funny and I feel terrible about giving them garage floor truffles but I really didn't know what else to do. Our garage floor is not terribly dirty and as long as they don't know it should be ok...right?
It was a really fun night and when it was time to do the heart attacking we divided into 3 groups and I took my group to Heart Attack the Allreds. We were trying to be super quiet as we put the hearts on the door but they must of heard some noise because we were in the middle of taping hearts when the door opened. The youngest son thought one of their pets was trying to get inside and so he opened the door only to find a bunch of suspicious looking Beehives on his front porch. I couldn't see in but the girls said the family was sitting in the front room staring at them so Lainey very politely grabbed the door handle and shut the door saying "nothing to see here". It was so funny and we were dying with laughter on our way home!
With all of our new Beehives we needed to take pictures for the Bishops board in his office. I thought this one of Rylee was too cute.
The next day was Valentines day and I had  box of Oreo Truffles for each of my family along with a card for each of them telling some things I love about them. I made Truffles and cookies on Sunday so the I could send Kenedy some Valentine love and I also sent Mom and Heather a box each. I love spreading the love. I tried to make pink heart pancakes for breakfast for my family and the pink turned out but the hearts were a little wonky.  
Rylee made the cutest valentines for all of us (bottom left) and Avynlea made a card for me and one for Rylee. I got a love letter from Kefford along with some flowers and that was super sweet. I love his love notes!
 Rylee requested braids for her Valentine hair and I had an idea and was so happy that it turned out even better then I hoped for. She told me to add the ribbon and her hair was perfect for the holiday. She said she got a lot of compliments at school with everyone loving her hair.
 I made our traditional Lutes family Valentines dinner with a heart shaped meatloaf. I like to do pink mashed potatoes and I found Cheesecake factory bread rolls which I love. For dessert I made a heart shaped cake and it looked really cute and tasted super yummy!
 The next day I was feeling really Disney with my Mickey sweater and Mermaid hat.