Sunday, February 3, 2019

Happy 14th Birthday Avynlea!

Saturday morning I went upstairs to make sure Avynlea was up and getting ready for cheer practice and then I went downstairs and made funfetti birthday pancakes! Ave loves pancakes and I wanted to make her some extra special ones for her birthday. I put sprinkles in the mix and then added a birthday candle to her stack of pancakes. 
Cheer practice got done at 1:30 and when it was over I was there to pick Avynlea up and then we went shopping. I wanted to get Avy some new clothes for her birthday but since she is much better at knowing what she likes then I am I decided to have some fun with her and take her shopping. She got some new jeans at Hollister and then we went to Costco to get some things for the Orthodontics Practice and get some groceries. While we were there Avynlea picked out her birthday dinner which was chicken salad and croissant sandwiches. I love it when it is easy!
After Costco we went to H&M where Avynlea picked out a couple of cute sweaters. It was a lot of fun going shopping with my girl and spoiling her just a little. 

We decided to celebrate Avynlea's birthday on Sunday because Avynlea was invited to a friends birthday party which was on her birthday and she really wanted to go. So when we got back Avy put on her new jeans and her new sweater and Kefford took her to her friends house. 
With nothing else to do that night Kefford, Ryker, Rylee and I packed some snacks and went to the movies to watch "Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindewald" It was interesting but a little confusing for us to follow. I did manage to stay awake through it although I was getting a massive headache by the end of it. 
I told Avynlea I would pick her up after the party which was at 11:00pm! Way too late for me and it was raining really hard, driving in the dark in the rain is scary for me and I really do not like it.

Kenedy is in town for the week nannying for a family in our ward and on Sunday we invited her to come over with the kids for dinner and to celebrate Avynlea. 
After dinner Avynlea finally got to open her presents and she got some really fun stuff
A Calico Critters nursery set, Scrunchies, Gummies and sweatpants.
She also got gum, more scrunchies, a cork board with fancy push pins, clear lipstick, and a sweater. She had on her birthday list that she wanted scrunchies "the more the better" and did I deliver scrunchies. I think there were 14 floral and plain chiffon ones in the first package and 36 velvet ones in the second. She has every color she could ever want or need. Thank you Amazon!
Avynlea was a having a hard time deciding on what kind of cake she wanted so I mentioned why not have her favorite bakery sugar cookies as a cake. She thought that was a great idea and so I stacked the cookies and added candles and it looked really cute. Almost as cute as the birthday girl :)

Kenedy's charges had fun helping Avynlea look through all of her scrunchies. They are the Chidester kids and in the picture you see Landon, Brooklyn and Brigham. Molly, the youngest, is on Rylee's lap and kind of hidden.
Of course with a new Calico Critters set addition out comes some of the rest of the collection for some inspection and fun.

Avynlea's Favorites:
  1. Food: Chicken Salad and Croissant sandwiches
  2. Dessert: Bakery Sugar Cookies
  3. Candy: Almond Joy
  4. Color: Blue
  5. Book: The Secret Language of Sisters
  6. TV Show: The Office
  7. Radio Song: Used To Be by AJ Mitchell
  8. Church Song: Army of Helamen
  9. Scripture Story: Abinadi and King Noah
  10. Friend: Sadie Niblitt
  11. Thing to do: Hanging out with Friends
  12. Place to be: In Bed
  13. Toy: Kindle
  14. Princess: Belle
  15. Hobbies: Cheer, piano and singing
5 things I Love About Avynlea:
1. Her smile. I love how happy she is and I adore her dimples! She has had those since birth and I love how she looks with them. She is beautiful inside and out and I love her confidence. 

2. Avynlea works so hard in school and has maintained her straight A average another year. She is kind and is good to help other kids at school  and I have gotten many emails from teachers telling me how thankful they are for having her in their class. 

3. Avynlea loves going to church and is developing quite a firm testimony of the Gospel. I love that she likes going to church and never complains about attending on Sunday or going to mid week meetings. Avynlea made a goal a long time ago to read her scriptures, write in her journal and say her prayers every night and I am so happy she has stuck with this habit. She has been working on her Personal Progress and has a goal to have it complete by the end of the year.

4. Avynlea started cheering this year and I love watching her enjoy her sport. She is a hard worker and really talented and in my opinion she is the best on the team. Middle Schoolers get to participate in competitions this year and she has loved being on the competition team. She is a flyer and is at the top of the pyramid because she is so good. Avynlea has learned new skills a lot faster then the other flyers and it was been fun to see her so excited to be learning more and improving.

5. Avynlea is my friend and I love hanging out with her. She makes me laugh with her quick wit and I love that she is usually the first one to volunteer to go with me to run errands. She has such a fun personality and I love that she will come and visit with me at halftime during the football and basketball games she is cheering at. She is a lot of fun to be around.