Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Fast Sunday and Cheerleading

We usually take a side pew at church but on this Sunday we sat in a middle pew so we could have room for Kenedy and the kids she was nannying. It was so cute seeing her walk in with a huge backpack diaper bag and the four kids filling behind her. It seriously made me excited for the future date, far future date(but hopefully not tooo far), when she is a Mom and I will have Grandkids. I wanted to take a picture of them sitting at the end of our row because it was too cute and I wanted to send it to their parents but I couldn't get a good angle because Brigham was sitting too far forward. 
So I passed the phone to Rylee and she took a better picture for me. 
That evening when we were watching a movie Rylee came over to tell me something and I love how she plopped down and put her arm around me. It is nice to still get a bit of a cuddle in every once in a while with my growing up kids.
It is Basketball and competition season for cheerleading. I went to watch Avynlea cheer at the MMS boys basketball game and then afterwards I ran some errands before heading back to the school to watch their competition dress rehearsal. She is so good and loves cheer so much, it is so fun to watch her perform. I took the pictures of her cheering at the basketball game. I took video of her competition routine but I want to wait to share until I have video and pictures from the competition cause that is the video I want to share. 
Living so close to the Temple I often get asked to watch kids so their Moms can attend. I really don't mind and love the opportunity to spend more time with my nieces and nephews and their Moms. Mikell asked me if I would watch her kids while she did inititories Tuesday morning and of course I told her no problem. I then invited Brit to bring her little ones over so she could go as well. Kenedy brought Molly over and it was a  full but fun house. I did nail polish on the girls and then they played with the toys I brought in from the garage. Jason was having a hard time with his Mom leaving him and we got him to stop crying after turning on the fireplace, then he got a cupcake to stop him crying when he started up again. Finally the last 15 minutes of them being here without their Mamas I turned on a Garfield show on Netflix and he finally stopped crying for good.  
Brooke, James, Jenna, Jason, Xander, Hazel and Kelly
The next day Michelle asked if I would watch her boys so she and Trevor could go do sealings at the Temple for their anniversary. I told her no problem and after they dropped their boys off I found a problem. Caleb was great but Garrett screamed bloody murder for most of the time. I thought he might have some gas pains because he kept stiffening his body but then he belched and kept screaming. He was acting really tired and wouldn't take his binky so I just rocked and jiggled and bounced and tried to soothe him the best I could. Finally he fell asleep about 15 minutes before his parents got back and since I couldn't do anything else I put on a show for Caleb. Michelle told me that he usually screams like that when he is tired and she just rocks him and after a couple of minutes he falls asleep. I must not have the magic touch because it took over an hour to get the stinker to fall asleep.