Monday, December 31, 2018

Atticus Baby Blessing

On the last Sunday of December Ashleigh and Andrew Brown had Atticus blessed. I was so happy that I could be there to be a part of it. Andrew Brown was really nervous, this being his first baby blessing, but he did such a good job and it was a beautiful blessing. The other noteworthy thing about this Sunday was this was the last Sunday Mom's ward and any ward would use this particular church building. It is an old building that the Church has decided to sell and so Atticus was the last baby ever be blessed in this building. The Bishop wanted to document this last Sunday so right after sacrament meeting they had everyone who attended the meeting gather on the stage so they could take a group picture. He wanted everyone who was at this lat meeting to be in the picture not just their ward members so Emil's family and I were included in that. It was pretty cool to be included in a small part of their history.
After the big picture we took pictures with Atticus. Andrew's family hightailed it out of their pretty quick so we couldn't get them in the pictures but we had fun posing with the handsome little guy.

The next night was New Years Eve and we were really relaxed and low-key about it at Mom's house. It was Mom, me, Erin and Heather and we went and got burgers and fries from five guys and then came home and watched Gilmore Girls while we ate and visited. I went to bed at about 10:00 and did not count down to the new year. I would much rather sleep then stay up until midnight