Friday, December 28, 2018


I was scheduled to fly out of Boise at 7:30pm to San Juan California where I had a layover before I got on another plane to Ontario California which was supposed to arrive at 11:55pm. It was a late travel but I wanted to spend some time with Kefford and the kids before I left for my trip. When I got to the Boise airport I saw that my flight was delayed which was annoying but not too bad and as I waited in the terminal I put in my earbuds and watched some shows on Netflix. It was hard to hear the sound so I kept turning up the volume and as i was doing that the thought went into my head that maybe the sound was not coming through my earbuds. I ignored the thought and it quickly ent away and I went on watching my show. When we finally were able to board I got on and found a seat and then resumed watching my show until I needed to put my phone away. As I was sitting there enjoying my show suddenly the guy in front of me turned around and informed me that the sound was coming through my speaker and it was really loud. Mortified I quickly turned it off and then I could not look at anyone for the duration of the flight. I felt so dumb and knew all of the people I had sat in the terminal with and on the airplane with probably thought I was so stupid. Ugh, it was a shameful experience. I did not try my earbuds again until I got to San Juan and could do it without anybody around who had to listen to my TV show. I couldn't figure out what the problem was and when I texted Kefford about it he told me to turn the phone off and then on again. When I did that I was able to have the sound coming through my speakers but you can bet that I was so paranoid about it that I kept pulling an earbud out to make sure the sound was not coming out the phone speakers.
My flight from San Juan had a bunch of delays as well and when we finally got on the plane it was 12:00am. We sat on the plane for a while before an announcement was made that they had to cancel the flight because of weather related conditions. We got off at 1:00am and then stood in a mile long line waiting to talk to one of two people about getting new tickets. I was worried that by the time I got to the front there would not be any tickets left for a flight leaving soon so i went online and bought a ticket that was leaving at 7:00am and arriving at about 8:40am. The only problem was it was to a different airport that was about 45 minutes away from my Mom's. Heather was awake through all of this because she was my ride and she said it would not be a problem. The airline was offering to put us up in a hotel but by the time I got everything figured out it was about 2:30 in the morning and I knew I wouldn't able to sleep anyway and I did not want to take the chance of missing my flight so i declined and "slept" in the airport. 
I found a massage chair next to the seminal I was to fly out of and I pulled over a wheelchair to put my feet up and tried to sleep. The airport has a lot of loud noises at night and it was basically impossible to sleep. I tried the best I could but I don't think I got very much sleep, if I had to guess maybe an hour and that is being really generous
I was really happy that this flight did not have any problems and I was finally able to be picked up at the airport by Heather. 
She had a couple of presents in the car for me to open. One from Kefford which was the cutest Little Mermaid wallet. I had told him before that I wanted a new wallet and was a little surprised to not get one on christmas since that was one of only two things I asked for. Turned out he had already ordered me a wallet and worried that it wouldn't arrive on time he had it sent to California. I was so surprised and I love it so much!
I also opened a present from Heather which was the Little Mermaid seatbelt purse, it is so cute and I immediately transferred my stuff over to it so I could use it right away. I felt very spoiled and loved, it was great. 
My flight came in at the orange county airport and Heather had to be out there later that day to get tint put on her car windows so it wasn't too big of a deal for her to pick me up at the airport. We just needed to find some things to do. We went to Downtown Disney and walked around there for a while.  When the time came we dropped her car off and then Mom met us to pick us up and we went back to Downtown Disney and had dinner there. It was nice being with Mom and Heather

I had big plans of changing out of the clothes that I had been wearing for the past 24 hours but as soon as I walked in the door and saw my little nephew all of my plans went out the window and I stole him away from whoever was holding him. Atticus was born two days after my birthday and I have been dying to get my hands on him. He is so cute and so squishy and I was in baby heaven
I played a little with filters on him and he is cute no matter what filter he has. 
The next day us girls minus Stephanie went and got our nails done and then we met up with Stephanie at the movie theater to watch Mary Poppins Returns. I really enjoyed it, I thought the story was fun and I loved how Emily Blunt portrayed Mary Poppins. It was a lot of fun
After the movie we went back to Moms where I got to snuggle with Atticus a little bit more.