Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Years Eve

New Years Eve was on a Sunday this year and we started the day by attending church with one of the Wards in Lincoln City. Kefford and I along with Kenedy and Ryker stayed through Sunday School with Bob. Avynlea and Rylee left after sacrament meeting with Alison. We went home after Sunday school to rest, relax and enjoy more family time.
Charlotte got super cuddly with me at one point and wanted our picture taken together. We got quite a few and I even let her play with my phone for a bit and take her own pictures. Most of them were deleted but I kept a few that were cute. Charlotte spent the entire week with her long hair down and hanging in her face so I took the opportunity while she was content on my lap to put some braids in her hair. She is such a cute girl and it was fun to spend some one on one time with her.

The best part of our week in Oregon was all of the family time we had. Rylee loved having so much time to spend with Brielle and Qiana. They had wanted to sleep in the same room which was fine with all of us  adults but for a couple of nights Rylee realized she needed a break and some time to herself so she slept in the room with Kefford and I. 
Kinsleys belly cracked me up, I wish I could look as cute as she is with that belly!
Ryker had a lot of the littles wanting to be with him this week. he is such  good older cousin. And of course more pictures with Avy and her little friends. She also enjoyed spending time with Trevor, she thinks he is funny and enjoys hanging out with him.
I did not see much of Ryker this trip. He was usually downstairs with Bailey playing video games and I love that these older boys are so kind to let Asher hang out with them. He really loves his older boy cousins and they love him.
I brought up CodeNames and Exploding Kittens to play with the family and they were a hit! A lot of time was spent playing these games and it was a fun way to pass the time and bond with our family. 
Some of the family who hadn't been to the tide pools yet took the time Sunday evening to go explore them. Kefford and Ryker were going so Kenedy, Avynlea and I went along as well. 

The colors of the sunset this night were pinks, purples and blues and it was just as beautiful as the last night we were at the tide pools! The only strange thing about this beach was it lacked the salty smell and feel in the air that I am used to having at California Beaches. I wonder if all of the rainfall is the reason for that but it was really strange not to have those sensations that I am used to and that I love.

When we got back the grandkids 11 and under got to play the Saran Wrap game. Rylee got a couple of dollars along with some other random little trinkets and she had fun and enjoyed watching and helping.
I was impressed with her wanting to help the little ones so that they could get as much stuff as they could before the die hit their number to stop. I was sitting on the bed behind Sadie while they were playing and when I saw that Sadie was struggling with getting anything I leaned down and gave her a hand by pulling on the Saran Wrap for her. She was able to get some fun things but was really thrilled with the pack of bracelets she received. It was fun watching these kids play and to see how excited they were with all that they got. 
Later everyone 12 and up got to play our own Saran Wrap game and our family really lucked out. Kefford got two gift cards, Ryker got 3, I got 1 and Kenedy got the 20 dollar bill. We also got some fun random stuff mixed in with all of that and all of it is useful things we will use. Fun and lucky times and definitely the highlight of this day!
Madi got a mud mask packet and really wanted to put it on that night. With Whitney's permission I put it on her and then once other kids saw what was happening Madi was sweet enough to let me use her packet to put the mask on all the kids who wanted it. They were all so excited and it was cute to see these little green faced kids running around.

We stayed up playing more rounds of codenames and Exploding Kittens but by about 11:00 I was ready to call it a night. Staying up till Midnight is not thrilling to me anymore and I would rather be in bed sleeping. 
Happy New Year!