Sunday, November 12, 2017

YCC Practice

I had to help drive kids to the Stake practice for our dance in the YCC and since we had so many youth participating in our stake we had to find a place big enough to hold them all for the practice. That place ended up being an empty warehouse in Boise. It was about a 20 minute drive to and from and wasn't the funnest driving wise but having 4-6 girls in our car was pretty fun.
Avynlea, Tessa Trite, Katie Myers, Jordyn Manthy, Sara Fuller and Ashleigh Snow

All of the kids had partners to dance with and Avynlea's original partner, Shaeden Albert, had to back out so she got matched up with Natalie Kashyap. Avynlea and Natalie had so much fun getting to know each other and dancing with each other, they became really great friends through this process which made both their Mamas really happy. Natalie is more quiet and shy while Avy is more outgoing, they are a perfect match and compliment each other so well. They helped make practice more fun for each other.
Avynlea had a spot right up towards the front which was pretty great for viewing purposes. This practice was a dress rehearsal practice and Avynlea looked so cute in her pioneer clothes, the skirt was one of Kenedy's that she wore on her very first trek. Our Stake dance represented working in the fields before irrigation and the song they danced to was called "digging in the dirt"
Ryker was also up towards the front pretty close to Avynlea. His dance partner was Kayden Munson and he also had fun dancing with him. Practices were hectic, loud, frustrating and crazy but it was fun watching the kids as they improved.
 Kenedy was always late to our practices since she had to work, luckily she has a nice, understanding and flexible boss so that Kenedy was able to get off work early to get to at least some of the practice. Kenedy was more towards the back and her partner was Aubrey Ashton.