Friday, August 26, 2016


I went to Costco while the kids were at school for their first day to get some much needed groceries. I got a box of individual sized chips and some stuff for a picnic so we could go to the oak for a picnic that night. I made everyone some chicken salad sandwiches and had them all pick a bag of chips to take. Ryker opened his bag and this is what we found inside...
Thanks Costco! Hahaha!
We went to Fuller Park over by Rylee's elementary school and after we ate our meal we played some frisbee while Ryker and Rylee wandered around the pond. I saw the shoes come off and the wading begin pretty quickly after they took off. After a while we went over to the playground so the kids could play a bit. This park has the coolest play structure that i have ever seen! It is a magnificent three story structure and looks like so much fun. We have not really been to this park before because we have two that are a lot closer but I think this one will be first choice from here on out!

I tried to take pictures of my loved ones while we were eating and as you can see most were not cooperative. Stinkers.