Wednesday, August 24, 2016

First Day of School Part 2

I planned my trip the way I did so that I could go to the Adele concert, be home for Rylee's first day of school and also be home for the others kids first day of school. I got home at 9:00 on Saturday night and Kenedy was the first to leave for school at 6:15 am Monday morning. She has early morning seminary this year because she was taking a full schedule with a lot of college prep and AP classes and was not able to fit in Seminary. I am proud of her for making the decision to do early morning without us telling her she has no choice. She enjoys seminary and knows how important it is for her to have. She also loves her teacher and that helps a lot. I got up early right before she was being picked up so I could get a couple of pictures. She was not thrilled with it because she couldn't wear a cute first day of school outfit. As a Jr she is part of the link crew which means she and a partner take freshman around on the first day of school for a tour. She was partners with her good friends Katie and Mckoi and they had to dress the same. They chose batman shirts and I thought she looked cute. Luckily I don't have to get up this early with her every day, she gets a ride with another girl in our ward who also takes early morning.
Avynlea and Ryker had to leave about an hour later for middle school. Oh the joy of three different school times. This is Ryker's last year in Middle School and Avynleas first year. They looked so cute and were ready to start their first days. 
After school I was waiting for them to come out and as I watched Avynlea coming out I thought how tiny she looked and how huge her binder looked. The poor thing has to carry a binder that is almost half her size! She decided to start carrying a backpack from then on out and I think it has made life a bit easier for her. Ryker and Avy are both signed up to be lunch helpers. At this point it is not even an option for them, they have to do it, free lunch and they get paid!? It's a no brainer. After school Avy told me she hated being a lunch helper because by the time she was done all of her friends had eaten and left and she had no one to eat with. I worried about that but the next day she said she just ate with about 4 or 5 other helpers all of whom are boys and all of whom she has known throughout the years from Chaparral. I am glad she was able to work it out and that she has some good guy friends to hang out with. 
Ryker is really enjoying being an 8th grader and loved that in the science lab they have a boom day for the first day. Boom day means lots of things get blown up and he thought that was cool. 

After I dropped Rylee off at school I drove to Parma to help Taylor decorate Talons classroom again. School for him started the next day and I only had a couple of hours because I had a house meeting later that afternoon I had to be at. We decided to go a little more math neutral this year and we got so much done and it all looked so cute! We did an amazing job! I did the Smores door and I liked how the fire and marshmallows turned out. On the marshmallows I had written different math terms. Taylor hand drew the Pi sign and I was really impressed! We put up the background paper on all the signs together and Talon cut all the letters out for us, that saved so much time.  I got the idea for the "We are Mathematicians" board from Heather. She is long term sub teaching a middle school science class and she is putting up on the wall letters that say "We are Scientists". I thought it was pretty clever of me to steal the idea and make it work for Talons room. When I had to leave about noon we had everything done and it looked pretty fantastic! Big pats on the back for us!