Saturday, May 7, 2016

Beginning of May

Avynlea has shared my cell number with her friends and I frequently get text messages and FaceTime  requests from them, it can get really annoying. Saturday night she was at a party and I got a text message from a classmate letting Avynlea know that a friend of theirs was in a four-wheeler accident and had been life-flighted to the hospital. When I picked up Avy I told her what happened and she immediately started texting to figure out what was going on. We were told that Makenna was at St Al's in Boise and she could have visitors. We stopped at Maverick on our way home so Avynlea could pick out some candy for her friend with the intentions of going to visit her before church the next day. 
The next morning we picked up another friend, Rose, and headed out to Boise to see Makenna. She was happy to have visitors and was very talkative. Avynlea said she talks a lot at school. I think she was more doped up on medications because she had a tendency to say some strange things. She said that she was riding a four-wheeler and was going too fast when she hit a bump and was thrown off. She broker her collarbone, her wing bone, some teeth and had to have stitches put in a cut in her head. Poor girl. After about an hour of us being there we had to leave but  I made sure to get a picture of the three of them before we left.
Avynlea's hair after taking it out of the messy bun we did looked pretty 80's to me. Big and fluffy!
During picture day at the studio Kim asked me if I would figure out the Lollypops we needed for our Kinderstars dance they were doing to "Good Ship Lollypop". I told her sure and she requested that I had them ready by the next week so the girls could have a couple weeks of practice with them. I thought about them off and on the next couple of days trying to figure out how I was going to do them but put them on the back burner and then forgot about them until two nights before I needed to have them done. I woke up in a panic at 4 in the morning stressing out about these Lollypops and trying to figure out how I was going to get them done. I laid in bed for an hour thinking and trying to figure it all out in my head. Finally an idea slipped into my mind and I know it was a tender mercy from the Lord helping me out. The next day after my dance classes were over I stopped at Hobby Lobby and got my supplies and then headed home to get to work. I hot glued two paper plates together  with a white spray painted dowel in between for the stick it was then covered with purple tissue paper and purple cellophane and tied with a green ribbon. It turned out so cute and perfect and Kim loved it!
The other night the clouds were looking pretty stormy and we took some pictures because of how cool they looked.
The first week of May is teacher appreciation. Avy and Rylee really wanted to do something for their teachers and so I asked my sisters for some ideas. One of the things that was mentioned was to get a basket and fill it with some fun things. Rylee really liked that idea and wanted to go to the Dollar store to get items to put in a basket. I did not have time to drive to The Dollar Store so I talked them into doing a movie bucket. I bought some redbox movie codes offline and printed out a cute printable. At Wal-mart we got some fun movie bowls and bought some treats to put inside. Avy really wanted to get her teacher some new dry erase markers because he never has any when he needs them so we picked up a pack of those. I thought the "buckets" turned out really cute and I hope their teachers liked them. I normally don't do anything for Teacher Appreciation because I do end of school year gifts. I decided this year since we are doing something at this time that I will forego the usual end of teacher gifts, although I will probably end up making cookies or something for them to take in because I never like to send them empty handed on the last day and teachers do a lot!
I got this email from Ryker's English teacher and I thought it was so kind of her to write it. I think my kid is great but it is always nice to hear positive feedback from outside sources.