Saturday, April 30, 2016

This and That

I got an email from Ryker while he was at school and he had this picture in it. I really didn't understand the picture or the email and had to wait until he got home to ask him about it. In his World Civ class they were studying about WW11 and some Veterans were in the class presenting and they brought some items to share one of them being this bazooka. Ryker went in after everyone had left and asked if he could have some pictures taken with him holding the bazooka. They were nice and let him. 
April 23 was the annual Mile Fun Run for Elementary Kids. I have done it with the girls in the past but last year we were in Utah and could not do it. We were pretty excited to participate this year until the day of and we saw and felt the weather. It was COLD!! Wet and cold! I was expecting it to be cancelled because of how wet and cold it was but nope it stayed on and so we went. The last time we did the mile run I thought it felt pretty short and so I tracked this one with my phone to see just how long it really was. Avynlea and Rylee did such a good job of running the entire way with me. Towards the end Avynlea was starting to feel some cramps but I encouraged her to breathe through them and keep running. I knew she would be proud of herself if she did not stop running. When we got to the finish line I checked my phone and like I thought it was not a complete mile, it was .96. I didn't see why they couldn't have pushed the finish back a little bit to make it a full mile but oh well. By the time we were done we were done. We had to run through a lot of grass and our feet got soaked and we were cold and just wanted to get out of there. We had to wait around for Avynlea's friend to finish running because she was coming home with us to play for a couple of hours and we were not happy about having to stand in the cold longer. Finally she was done and we could leave and when we got home I made everyone some hot chocolate and washed and dried our socks. Even though it was not great weather I had fun running with my girls and I am glad we did it!

Beautiful Avynlea
Later that day Avynlea and Rylee had their Piano Recital. They both did really well and each had their pieces memorized although Rylee used her book when she played because she was nervous and worried she would mess up. I was pretty proud of my girls with all they had accomplished so far on the piano. They both enjoy learning and never complain about practicing.
Avynlea played "The Gentle Brook"
Rylee played "Feelin' Happy"
Kenedy went to church the Sunday after her surgery and was really feeling the pain. She took some tylenol but was really uncomfortable and had a hard time with her foot. At one point I looked over and caught her with her head on Ryker's shoulder. I thought it was so sweet and not of the norm that I had to take a picture. Probably taking a picture during Sacrament meeting is not the best idea but I was glad I did capture this tender moment.
Rylee was wanting her friend Maryn to come and play after school. She tried calling and when nobody answered she sent this text. I thought it was so cute and sweet that she was concerned something was wrong when they did not answer.