Friday, May 13, 2016

May Fun

On Sunday Avynlea freaked out after looking out the window and seeing the head of a mannequin laying in our yard. We had no idea how it got there but I thought it was pretty funny. I made Avynlea go out and take a picture with it because she saw it first but mostly because it was freaking her out so much. Hahaha! Later we found out the neighbor kids threw it in our yard after it broke off the mannequin they were throwing around. Weirdness.
At Kenedy Dr's appointment the cast came off and she was fitted for a boot. She can walk on the side of her foot while in the boot and on her heel but as of yet cannot put full pressure on her foot. She likes the boot so much more then the cast and seems to be recovering quite well. 
Kefford's cousins wife sells LuLaRoe and was having a party at her house in Oregon that we could not make it to. Kenedy needed a new dress and it is so hard to find cute modest ones so I had her FaceTime with Kelsey so that she could pick out a dress. This one that she got is so cute and looks so good on her. She found the idea on Instagram to wear it backwards with the zipper in front and I thought the idea was genius. Kenedy sure makes the dress look beautiful.
Sunday after church the family was chilling and hanging out in the Living Room playing games and enjoying together time. Rylee and Kefford were playing BattleShip, Avy and Ryker were playing Pass the Pig, I was reading a book and Kenedy was resting on the couch. I love this family of mine and cherish the times we are all together and happy.

I had card group on Tuesday and procrastinated a bit on making my cards so that I had to do them last minute. The Graduation card I made over the weekend and the Thank You card I had to make the morning of our card group get together. I really am usually better at having my cards done sooner than last minute but this month the time got away from me. I thought they turned out cute despite my last minute rush.
As soon as the sun appears after a long winter my kids think it is time to get in the sprinklers. This day was pretty warm so I let Rylee play with the hose on the trampoline. She had a lot of fun getting wet and jumping around and I had a lot of fun watching her and laughing at the faces she was making. 
My beautiful Avynlea got a hold of my phone and proceeded to take a plethora of pictures of herself.