Saturday, March 5, 2016

"Oh No, She Has The Hives"!

Avynlea had her PACE presentation the end of February and was excited but more nervous. She came down that morning telling me that her legs had weird rashes all over them. I looked and saw some red marks but was not too concerned about it. I had her get dressed and get her morning stuff done. I took Ryker to school and when I got back I checked on Avynlea and saw that she had little red marks starting to appear on her face. I realized that she probably had hives and started looking for some Benadryl.  Of course I did not have any so I told them I would be right back and went over to 
Wal-greens calling my mom to get her advice on what to do. 
When I got back with the medicine her hives had spread even more and I was really worried about what to do. Avynlea absolutely did not want to miss her presentation so I had her go to school and then right after regret that decision because I got a text from my Mom saying that I really should be watching her to see if it gets worse. I drove over to the school and saw Avynlea on the playground and had her come with me to the Nurse's office to talk to her about it. She pulled in her teacher and we agreed that Avynlea would be moved up in line so she could do her presentation first and then I would take her home for the rest of the day. I stayed with Avynlea while she went to class and just sat in a chair keeping an eye on her. Her hives were getting worse and worse and the nurse came through to give her some more Benadryl. Finally her presentation was complete and I checked her out and took her home.

While we were leaving I glanced at the lost and found as we passed by and found a baggie of animal crackers that I swear came from our house. Avynlea and Rylee both denied it belonging to them but I have my suspicions. I took a picture of them and then threw the baggie in the trash. Who was the crazy person to put food in the lost and found?
Avynlea's hives were not going away and the next day I took her to the Dr. After asking question after question to figure out if she could be allergic to something the Dr decided she was probably reacting to an illness and told us to give her some Zertec once a day and if it didn't clear up after a week to bring her back in and then they would do some extensive allergy testing. The hives were coming back off and on all that week and then got really bad the end of the week. I was really worried but then they disappeared and have not been back. I talked to my mom and sisters about it and a couple of them said that they have gotten hives before after illnesses so I guess it runs in the family.