Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hike to Table Rock

March means it is track break for my elementary school kids. I love having my kids home with me and have been looking forward to track break for quite a while. Unfortunately I realized that a lot of track break was going to be me dragging my girls around while I taught dance classes all week. I felt really bad that we couldn't just relax at home finding fun things to do. Because I felt so bad I really tried to find fun things to do in the spare time we did have. 
One of the Tuesdays we decided to go hiking up to Table rock with a friend and her kids. Rylee had a fever the night before and I was worried about her and that we would have to change our plans but the morning of she came bounding down the stairs saying she felt great. I figured we could still go since she seemed better so we packed lunches and after dance class headed out to go hiking. We have done this hike many times before and my kids love it and always do really great. This time after we got started it was becoming apparent to me that Rylee was back to feeling not great. She was needing frequent stops and was really lethargic. 
I took this picture at one of our stops and Rylee was feeling so terrible she couldn't move from her resting place to get in the picture with the rest of the kids. 
Ezra, Avynlea, Jules and Logan

We finally made it to the top and Rylee perked up a little after we ate our lunches. 

After spending some time at the top Avynlea was starting to complain a little about not feeling good and I decided we needed to cut our time short and get going home so the girls could relax and rest on the couches. I loved being able to spend time with my girls and felt really bad that they were not feeling good. They were sick the next morning and it broke my heart that I had to leave them to go and teach dance. I felt like a terrible Mom and am so grateful I made the decision to not teach next year. It has stopped being fun and has become almost a burden and I don't like that feeling. I really tried to find a sub but nobody was available so I had to leave my girls and make do with calling them to check on them after every class. I did stop at the store to get ingredients to make green smoothies when I got home, which tasted terrible. Seriously, what in the world? My friend drinks them daily and goes on and on about how delicious they are so of course we wanted to try them out. Not good. not good at all. The next day we left out the green and just made fruit smoothies and those were so much better. Live and learn!