Friday, October 24, 2014

Wacky Hair Day!

This week has been Red Ribbon week with each day being a different theme. Thursday was Wacky Hair day and we had to come up with ideas for some totally crazy hair. 
Avynlea was up first and when I asked her what she wanted she said she would love to have her hair in a bun, sprayed orange, with some brown paper poking out of the top. She wanted to be pumpkin head! I did not have any orange hair spray and so I wandered the house trying to think of something we could use to match her vision, or get as close as we could. I found some orange and green ribbon and with Hair spray and bobby pins I created a very cute pumpkin on her head. 
Rylee was next and she had no clue at all what she wanted. So I thought and thought and then I hunted down some pipe cleaners and I made her some funky hair braids. She looked a little like she had bug antennae and was also very cute.
They were both very pleased with their wacky hair dos and I think they looked amazing!