Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

We had a fun Halloween this year! What with the Peterson Party to kick it all off and then having Halloween on a Friday (the perfect night), plus because of our Party I was able to get pictures and send out my family Halloween Cards before Halloween. Oh, it was all so great!

Avynlea wanted to be a spy and when I asked her what a spy looked like to her she described a tight black shirt and black leggings. So easy! Then a couple of weeks ago she came home from school with a drawing of how she imagined her costume to look. This drawing had the black shirt and leggings as well as a black and purple tutu and a face covering. We had the black tutu from Rylee's kitty costume from last year so I pulled it out and had Avynlea attach purple ribbons to it. I also had some long pieces of scrap leftover from Ryker's costume and we used that to make the head covering she envisioned. When it was time to label what she was for our Halloween card she told me she was a "Ballerina Ninja spy"! Perfect! I loved it, I loved her creativity and I especially love that I could do what she wanted and pull off what was in her head.

Rylee decided last year that she wanted to be a monkey for this years Halloween. I bought a pattern when JoAnns had them for a dollar and the pattern had the monkey along with other variations of animals. Rylee did not like the look of the monkey and decided that instead she wanted to be the bunny. I love how the costume turned out and I even made her a carrot to carry around. I love how she is not just a kid in a white tutu and bunny ears. I wanted her to be a cute cuddly bunny and that is exactly what we got. She looked adorable!

Ryker had a little bit of a harder time coming up with what he wanted to be for Halloween. After thinking about different options he finally decided to be Draco Malfoy. With his blonde hair and handsome face he often gets told that he resembles this Harry Potter character and so we went with it.  I could not find a specific "Harry Potter" house robes pattern but I did find a wizard cloak pattern that I had used before to make him a Jedi cloak. Slytherin's colors are black and green and so I bought black and green knit with the intentions of making a black cloak with a green lining. It was a little trickier for me to figure it out while sewing but I did it and it looked awesome! I bought a Slytherin patch off ETSY to complete the look and, voila, he was Draco! He loves the cloak I made for him and wears it constantly, makes me happy!

Kenedy saw a little witch headband at the store and asked if I would get it for her so she could be a witch. The cute headband combined with her black shirt, my spider tights and my black tutu turned  her into a really cute witch. She was not inclined to put her costume on last Sunday so I could also get pictures of her so I cropped her picture from one of our outtakes  group picture. Teenagers are difficult. 
On Halloween I wore my skull shirt that I made last year and it still looked just as awesome! With my updo hair and red lipstick I thought I looked pretty cute. I wanted to take a picture of the back of me and so I got one in the bathroom mirror. I love that shirt!

Halloween night I made mummy english muffin pizzas which nobody ate. I had one, Kefford had one and Rylee ate half of one. Nobody else were interested or hungry. They looked really cute!
I told Kenedy a while ago that she could invite some friends over for Halloween and have a party if she didn't want to go trick or treating. I don't care if my teenagers go trick or treating, I know some people cut their kids off from the holiday when they turn 12 and  think that is silly. As long as the kids coming to my door are dressed up I don't care how old they are. Kenedy decided she did want to have a party and invited some friends to come over. She also decided that they should still go trick or treating so that's what they did. Kefford and I were both able to take Avynlea and Rylee around getting candy while Kenedy stayed at the house passing out candy and Ryker went around with his two friends. Things go a lot quicker when you just have two kids going from door to door. It was nice. When we got back Kenedy left with her friends to get candy and then Ryker got back with his friends. It was a really fun night and I like how this holiday is evolving for our little family. 
Katie Thibadeau, Ashlyn, Megan Warner, Kenedy Peterson, Lauren Warner, Michelle, McKay Atkinsen, and Trinity Berger

Tyler Pierce, Nathan Colton and Ryker Peterson