Sunday, October 19, 2014

Time Out For Women

Earlier this week I got a text from my Aunt Tami saying she had an extra ticket to TOFW and asked if I wanted it? First I had to google what TOFW was because I had no idea. I assumed it was a church thing but not sure, once I saw it was for Time Out For Women I was really interested. I checked my calendar, made sure Kefford did not have any plans I was not aware of and then excitedly let Tami know that I was in!
I still was not quite sure what to expect at this event since I have never been before so I looked at the website and figured it must be like a one day EFY type thing only for Women. None the less I was excited for this time to learn something, to feel the Spirit and to hang out with my Cousin and Aunt both of whom I have not seen in a little while. 
After I had accepted the invitation I really felt like this was something that was meant to be and that there was going to be a message that I needed to hear. So for the couple of days leading up to the event I preyed that I would recognize what the Lord wanted me to hear and that I would be able to really feel the Spirit. Wouldn't you know the thing I feel the Lord wanted me to hear was said in the first 10 minutes. I heard it and know that it was for me! I am so grateful for the Lord for answering my prayers and also to Tami for being the means to get me there. It was not anything super profound or huge but it was something I needed to hear. I also heard a couple of other things throughout the day that I am glad I was there to hear. What a great day it was. I loved all of the Speakers and the entertainment was Mercy River. There songs and music helped to enhance the Spirit that day.
Tami, Taylor and Elizabeth
I bought one of the "Mercy River" CD's for Kenedy and during a break I saw they were signing and taking pictures so I grabbed my CD and hurried over. One of the girls had to go backstage to get ready for the next thing so I only got two signatures and a picture with just the two. After the closing prayer they were out front again and so I went over to get the last signature and then the three of us got a picture with the three of them.
Taylor, Elizabeth, Whitney, Brooke, Soni and Tami

After we were done we met up with Kelsey who came with friends to get a picture in front of the TOFW sign.
Kelsey, Taylor, Tami and Elizabeth

Thanks to Tami for the extra ticket and a huge thank you to Taylor for suggesting me when told there was an extra ticket. It means a lot to me and the day was a great day!