Tuesday, October 21, 2014

She's Permitted!

While I was busy at TOFW Kenedy had her final hour of driving before she got her permit. We were told by her cheer coach at the beginning of the year that the girls were not allowed to take drivers ed until the spring because of scheduling. I thought that was ridiculous and that they should be able to make it so the girls could take it especially with all of the driving around we have to do for them. But, whatever, I resigned myself to the fate of her not doing it until much later. But then, coaching got all switched around. The head coach was fired for an unknown reason and Kenedy's JV coach was moved to head coach and the assistant JV coach was put in as Head JV coach. This coach is nicer and more understanding and so one of the Mom's asked her if our Daughters could take drivers ed. She was agreeable to it and said as long as we do it before the end of October which is when Competition starts. We were told about a two week course that was every night and a little more spendy but worth it because she would get done faster then any other courses. We signed her up and she had three hours of class every night and missed two football games and cheer practice for those two weeks but we got it done and now she is officially permitted! 

When I got home I was excited to have Kenedy drive so I had her drive me to Wal-Greens to pick up a couple of items. 

She has 6 months to get in 60 hours of drive time and then she can get her license. I am ready to have another driver in the family to help out and I am ready for her to drive herself to everything she needs to be at. 
As I have been riding with her I have been surprised by how patient I am and not needlessly freaking out and making her nervous. She already told me she likes driving with me better then her Dad because he does not have any patience and makes her nervous. 
I think she will be a great driver and am excited for her but also for me. :)