Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happy St Patricks Blah

St Patricks Day this year was a bit of a let down for me. It was on a Monday and since Rylees birthday was the day before I focused on preparing for that and kept telling myself I could get St Patricks Day things on Monday during the day, no worries. Until Sunday night when I realized I did not have any chocolate coins that the Leprechauns leave at our house. I was super panicked and then just told myself there was nothing I could do about it so it was no use worrying. The next morning we woke up to some Leprechaun mischief, Rylees Happy Birthday sign had been tampered with, our furniture was rearranged and messed up and once again green pee was found in our toilet. Luckily no one noticed or cared that we were missing the Leprechaun gold. I made my family green pancakes for breakfast and for dinner we had corned beef with green jello, green apple kool-aid, green butter for our rolls and red potatoes. It was a delicious Irish themed meal and we all loved it.