Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Young Womens Broadcast

This event happened so long ago I don't even remember when the day was, but it was a looooong while ago. It was the Young Women's Broadcast and since at that time I was still in the Young Women's serving I felt the need to go. When I found out that I was the only Young Women leader represented from our Ward and that we only had ONE Young Women going with her Mom I was a bit disappointed. But I rallied and talked my good friend Candice into letting me crash her date with her daughter Courtney. :0)
We went to dinner at Red Robin before the broadcast. That was a lot of fun visiting with my friend and her beautiful daughter. I think I can say it now that I am not in Young Women's anymore but Courtney was always one of my favorites. Shhh no telling!
Here are Candice and Courtney. Aren't they a beautiful Mother/Daughter pair?
Courtney was so much fun to be around, she was always a great leader and example to the other girls. I am really happy that she knew the right choice to make when it was time to go to the Broadcast. It was a great Broadcast and we learned a lot from the speakers. Although it was, once again, so long ago I really don't remember anything that was spoken on. But you can bet that at the time I soaked it all in and learned from it. It's all there somewhere in my brains, I just need to find that dusty corner the information has been hiding out in. Ha!
Thanks Candice and Courtney for letting me crash your party and thanks Candice for letting me steal your pictures! :0)