Friday, August 6, 2010

Busiest Beaver Award

It all started about a month ago when Avynlea wanted to dazzle up one of her plain white shirts. She kept bugging me about it until finally I took her to Jo-Ann's and let her pick out something to dazzle up her shirt with. After mulling over all of her choices she finally settled on this cutie...

I thought this skull and crossbones design was sooo cute. Now I know of some people who do not appreciate this type of design. let me just make it clear that me liking this stuff does not make me a death lover or some weird Gothic girl. It is just a fun design. I like that my kids think it is cool also. They know it does not mean anything weird, it is just another cute thing to wear. So we bought it and then brought it home and razzle dazzled her plain white shirt.
it made her shirt look so cute!

But wouldn't you know the very first day she wore it she got paint on it that would not wash out. Now what?
I had some ideas running through my head about how to fix the stain problem and after talking to my sewing genius sister-in-law Brit I finally was confidant enough to execute my idea.

Here is my army of straight pins lined up to help me with my sewing.

And tada...well not yet, first we have to let Rylee get in the picture with Avynlea. :0)

Now tadaaaaa! I sewed three layers of ruffles onto the shirt and it really turned out darling. It effectively covered up the stains and that plain white shirt has officially graduated into being something so cute! Avynlea absolutely loved it. I would not let her see it until I was all done and she was really happy to see the end result.

And of course Rylee had to have a turn trying on the shirt and doing her modeling poses.
About two years ago I bought material with the hopes of turning them into some really cute curtains for my family room. I was not very confident about making the curtains and so the material sat around just waiting. About a year ago we got new carpet which did a lot to posh up our house and it made me want to get on with the curtain making. But I didn't. Then in December while I was in California Kefford bought the red couches that I have been eyeing from RC Wiley. When I saw those cute red couches in my family room I really, really wanted to complete the area with the curtains but still I couldn't bring myself to do it. Fast forward to my fabulous favorite sister-in-law finally moving close to me and I knew I finally had the help to make those curtains. So Brit came over and told me what I needed to do and. I. did. it! It took me not long at all and the only reason I didn't get them done in one day was because my needle broke and i had to wait until the next day to get some more needles.

So check out this fancy room..

I love it. The curtains really do a lot to open the room up and make it look so great.
So after a little bit of a hiatus I am back on the sewing train and am looking forward to what I can work on next.
And I am glad that I have a sewing buddy who is amazing with her needle to keep me going! :0)