Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Toes!

This post will showcase some pretty nasty pictures. It says a lot about me that I am even showing these because there was a time that absolutely not would these pictures have ever seen the light of day. But I am pretty dang secure in myself at this point and now I say who cares. **And so it begins..

For a loooong time I had a gnarly toe or as some like to put it a fungus toe. It was gross and it was not pretty. I remember it first appearing around the time I started dancing in college. We danced barefoot and I think a lot of those germy germs landed on me and caused my toe dysfunction. But I also have to take into account that my Dad had some pretty gnarly toes and a lot of my tow problems were most likely hereditary. Thanks so much Dad. It was on the pinkie of my right toe. All that would happen was that it was discolored a yellowish color and it made my toenail super, super thick. I would have loved medication for it but the over the counter stuff would not work and the prescription drugs were really expensive. So I lived with it. I could deal with it cause I would just file it down and cover it with toenail polish. But then it spread. After 8 years the nastiness tarted to spread to the other toes. First up was the big toe and then a little bit later it spread to the toe next to the little one. Suddenly I could not deal. The big toe turned really nasty and gross and no amount of nail polish could have covered that up. So I went to the toe Dr. He gave me a prescription, suddenly the medication was super cheap, and I started the daily pill taking. It took a couple of months but I am happy to report that I have beautiful toenails that are happy to see the light of day. When I first started the medication my Dr. told me to take some before pictures so that I could see what my toes used to look like. They are pretty nasty but here they are in all of their glory..

so sick right?! Needless to say I have never had a pedicure done because with toes like those that would have been way too embarrassing. But Now that my toes are oh so pretty I went and got my first ever pedicure! Yay!!

Soaking in the foot bath felt really good. My nails look weird in this picture because of the water and leftover polish I had on my tootsies.

But look at the beautiful after picture! Can you believe after all that nastiness my toes now look so stunningly beautiful! I love it and I love pedicures! I think I will have to wait a while before getting them done again. As nice as it was it is just as easy to do it myself and loads cheaper too. But if I ever do want a professional to do my toes again I won't have to say no because of embarrassing gnarly toes!