Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Princess Brides can be naughty too!

Yesterday while Avynlea was at preschool I decided to get my bathroom cleaned. I didn't want to leave Rylee alone downstairs so I brought her crayons and coloring book upstairs and set her up a little coloring station. She didn't last long with that though and when I finally came up for air from my cleaning frenzy I realized she was gone and it was pretty quiet. So I went downstairs and found this lovely mess left in the kitchen.
that is cupcake spread on the floor and looks like she wanted chocolate chips and blueberries in her belly. I questioned her on it and when she finally confessed to being the culprit I told her she had to clean it up. She threw a fit because she didn't want to and so I told her she either had to clean it up or go lay down on her bed. I left her to decide and went back to cleaning. When I realized that about 15 minutes had gone by with lots of silence I went to investigate and finally found Rylee.
Apparently the little princess made her choice.
Looks like a choice I wish I could make when faced with a mess to clean!