Monday, December 8, 2008

"Spring" Cleaning!

In anticipation of our going out of town, I have a list of things that I want to have done. On that list is cleaning out Avynleas closet and drawers, and cleaning out Rylees drawers. I spent this morning doing just that and since I loaded the pictures in backwards you get a backwards telling of my accomplishments! :)This is a very small example of how the house looked while I was upstairs cleaning. I turned on a movie the girls had picked out thinking it would keep them entertained enough for me to get my job done without them creating more work for me. What a joke! In addition to the two small bags of chips pictured here, they also managed to get water spilled all over the carpet, get into 3 or 4 more bags of chips, got the vacuum out and left it lying on the carpet, pulled out a bunch of toys and spread papers and crayons all over the floor. I really wanted to show a picture of the destruction but I wanted even more for you all to think that it was not as bad as it sounded and for you to imagine my house being in the pristine condition it always is in..HA HA!
Here is Avynleas closet after I got it all sorted and cleaned out. I pulled out everything that was either too small and or stained. I did not get a before picture but just to give you an idea of how cluttered this small space was....
Here is a picture of the hangers that were emptied during this project. Maybe it does not like a lot in the picture but believe is a lot!
I found the girls swimming suits and as soon as I pulled them out I had to do what I always do when pulling out their swimming suits..I smelled them. I LOVE the smell of the chlorine mixed with sunscreen that just does not wash out of the suits. It is one of my most favorite smells, if not my most favorite!
And here is a picture of what things looked like in the middle of my little project. Avynleas clothes are piled on the left and Rylees are on the right.
So now I can cross that off of my list and move on to the next up the destruction downstairs! :)