Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008!

Settling back into the day to day life of a Mom is never easy for me after being on vacation. I seem to take the word vacation very literally and coming back home after a week and a half of no kids has been very difficult! Kefford went into work on Christmas Eve day and I was left with 4 kids and alot of preparations for Christmas that needed to be finished. I was trying to get the house cleaned up and ready for the invasion of more toys. I was also trying my hardest to get the kids to help me. Needless to say it was not a good day with alot of arguments and threats of no gifts. Whenever I asked Kenedy to help me by doing something she would get real upset and inform me that I should do it since I just got a vacation! Oh really Kenedy, and how hard did you have to work while I was gone? Seriously! By the time Kefford came home I was near tears and ready to run a hot bath and escape for the night. But he was able to calm everyone down so that we could have a good time together. We did not have any food in the house and I was too busy in the home to go get some so I asked Kefford to pick up a pizza for dinner. He came home empty handed to inform me that the pizza place was closed. UGH!! But Kefford had me mix up some pancake batter and he cooked pancakes for dinner. After dinner we gave the kids their new pajamas, sat them down, and after a little talk about the true meaning of Christmas showed them "The Nativity". We then showed them "Mr. Kruegers Christmas", said prayers and put them to bed. After the kids were asleep Kefford and I set out the presents and put their filled stockings on the ends of their beds. I went to bed while Kefford stayed up and finished wrapping gifts he had bought.
We woke up the next morning to kids waking up, finding their stockings, and coming into our room to open them. My flat iron got burned up while in Australia (more about that another time) and I was very excited to find a new one in my stocking! After we were done with those Kefford had us all get dressed for the day. In my family part of the fun of christmas is lounging around in our pajamas all day. In Keffords family they have to be dressed before being allowed out of their rooms. We compromise by opening our stockings in pajamas but everyone has to be dressed before going downstairs.
We were finally able to allow the kids downstairs where they oohed and aahed at all the presents under the tree. I really enjoyed watching their excitement and it always reminds me how much more fun it is to give then to receive. Having kids really does make present giving so much more fun. I was pleasantly surprised by the WII Fit that Kefford gave me as well as the promise of finally getting the DSL I have been begging for! Yay for us all! I tried out my WII Fit and then did a little more the next day. I am not an exercising person and after doing a set of lunges have been in pain all weekend long! Hopefully that will ease as time goes on and I do more.
After we were done opening gifts we headed out to Nyssa to see Keffords family. I was excited to get a gift card to Jo-Anns and some candy. I gave Alison a months of the year tile thingie I made at a super Saturday in October and Bob got his Line of Authority that I also made at the super Saturday and had framed. Alison seemed to like her gift and with Bob you never know. He didn't complain so I will take it as a good sign!
Overall we had a great Christmas and really enjoyed being together as a family!
Kefford and Ryker playing a new Wii game Ryker got. Notice the Batman Bathrobe Ryker is wearing. He got that for Christmas and spent the entire day in it! He said it was warm!
Avynlea got this wedding day dress up ensemble and spent the rest of the day telling everyone she was going to marry Ryker today! Ryker would roll his eyes every time he heard her say that.
Kenedy and Avynlea both got new Polly Pockets and Littlest Pet Shop toys. They were kind enough to let Ryker join in the fun! Again, notice the bathrobe!
Here the kids are lined up in front of the tree with their new pajamas on.