Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Australia Trip Day one: flight and hotel

More for my journaling but because so many of you have asked I am going to be putting in my blog details about our trip to Australia. The first night we were thee I bought a little notebook and then each night I wrote down everything we did that day. I am so glad I did that because I am able to look back and remember things that I would have forgotten. I am going to write down how I put it on my notebook and then will elaborate with pictures if I need to.

December 11, 2008
*Left Boise at 6:40
*Arrived in LAX 20 minutes early.
*Had to collect our luggage and catch a shuttle to the international terminals.
*We were told to get off at terminal 4 but when we got there they said that flights to Sydney were out of a different terminal so we had to backtrack to the other terminal.
*Went to check in our luggage and after checking our passports were informed that we needed to buy our visas.
*Had to wait in another line to pay $25 each for our visas
*Finally got our tickets and went through security to our waiting area.
*Neither of us had gotten dinner that night and by this time we were so hungry. We thought that once we got past security we would be able to find a McDonald's or something to get some food. Wouldn't you know that the only place top get any food at was at a bar, and it wasn't even really serving food! So we had to wait ...:(
*Our flight was supposed to leave at 11:40 LA time but it was delayed an hour and so we spent alot of time waiting, tired and hungry!
*The terminal was very crowded because their was our flight and a flight waiting to leave to Mexico. We couldn't find a seat amidst all of the confusion and so we went to the downstairs waiting area where we were all alone. I laid down and tried to sleep while Kefford played the DS.
*Finally were able to board and after the plane had started taxiing away from the gate it had to come back for whatever reason.
*Waited while the airline people talked about refueling but then they just decided to leave and fly the plane a little slower.
*Waiting on our seats were a pillow, blanket, and a little travel kit filled with a sleeping mask, socks and a Qantas key holder necklace thingie, and a toothbrush and toothpaste.
*I put my sleeping mask on and told Kefford to wake me up when we got something to eat.
*I don't know how long I slept before I got woken up but I was famished and ready to eat..even airline food. It wasn't too bad.
*Fell back asleep and then after we woke up I watched two movies and ate breakfast. Sometime during the night a bag of treats was left on my lap. Filled with cookies, dried fruit, mints, chocolate and a water bottle...too fun!
*After 14+ hours we finally arrived and landed. We were seated in the middle of the plane and try as I might I could not crane my neck far enough to get a glimpse of Sydney..kinda disappointing.
We did not take any pictures of our flight down to Australia and the only ones we took on the flight home were the ones Kefford took of the sky out the window.
These two pictures are of our hotel room. The best thing was to leave the room fairly untidy only to return and find the bed made, pillows plumped, robe and new towels hanging up nicely, and more lotions and soaps for me to stash in my suitcase(:
I love being on vacation!! We were up on the 34th floor and I loved to sit on the little window seat and observe the outside world!