Thursday, March 2, 2023

State Playoffs Meridian vs Owyhee

Thursday was the first game in the State playoffs and Meridian was slotted to play against Owyhee. Owyhee is the defending State Champions and they just won Districts so I was hoping for Meridian to somehow win but I was thinking realistically and wasn't counting on it. The game was at noon and Avynlea got a sports release pass to get out of school.  Rylee wanted to go to the game and her school had release passes for parents to sign to get them out for the game which I did sign for her and then I picked her up and her friend Taylee. Rylee and Taylee are a little tired of the cockiness of their school and wanted to see them humbled a bit so they sat on the Meridian side and cheered with me for Meridian. I sat with Jeni Lindley and Lisa Elder who were also there to support Meridian.

The score was so close the entire game and we were all so stressed then the game went into overtime which for Meridian is just not good. It seems they always lose in overtime but I was still hoping and then wouldn't you know Meridian actually won! We were so excited and could not stop cheering and jumping up and down. We lost every game to Owyhee this year but Meridian was playing so good and they pulled it off. It was a good day. I had to laugh because Owyhee was so sure that they were going to win they had printed student release passes for Fridays game and handed them out to the students already. It was pretty sweet to see them knocked off their tower by Meridian.
Avynlea, Natalie and Paige
Ashleigh follows Meridian cheer on Instagram and she was watching the highlight they posted of Meridian winning the game. She took a screenshot and sent it to me saying she tried to find me in the crowd but couldn't so I circled the area where I was sitting and sent it back. She probably wasn't going to find me but I like the screenshot she took.