Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Cheer Banquet

Tuesday March 7th was the end of year cheer banquet for Avynlea's 2022/2023 season. Avynlea and I were both ready for this season to be done. I have absolutely loved watching her cheer and seeing her get better and better each year has been my favorite. I have not enjoyed dealing with narcissistic coaches, mean parents and drama. It is crazy how mean adults can be and I saw a lot of bad behavior through these past 4 years of cheer and I am glad to wash my hands of it. Avynlea has put up with a lot as well and I am so proud of her for sticking through the hard times and rising above the bad behavior to be a shining example of goodness and forgiveness. I look up to her so much for how she has dealt with everything thrown at her and how she has come out the other end a better all around person.
The boosters had Goodwood BBQ cater the banquet and that was a nice change from the previous three years of chick-fil-a. Rylee and Kefford came to the banquet and Rylee sat with Avynlea, Natalie and Paige while Kefford and I sat with Amy and Diana and her husband Sami. I had a good time visiting with my friends and for me they are the second best part of the past four years. Obviously Avynlea cheering and me getting to support her is the first best thing but getting to know these ladies and all of the fun and bonding times we have had has been such a blessing. They have loved me and Avynlea just as much as I have loved them and their girls and that is what got us through the hard times of the past 4 years. Good friends who love and support you make all the difference.
After the dinner the girls who maintained a 3.5 and above GPA were called up to receive their Academic Award. Avynlea was one of those recipients and has been every year that she has done cheer and I am so proud of her for all of her hard work in the classroom to keep her grades up. 
Next the Varsity girls got their letter awards and then the JV girls who competed in the Varsity Show routine for competition got awarded as well.

That was basically it for awards and then it was time to take pictures and leave. As Kefford and I were looking at the coaches gifts Natalie, Paige and Avynlea came over to give him one last cheer hug. Natalie and Paige love Kefford and his often curmudgeon attitude and they love giving him hugs so here was one last time to give him a group hug.
Avynlea, Natalie and Paige all dressed very similar for the banquet and they looked super cute in their outfits. As they were lined up being obnoxious for pictures Amy came over and smacked them all on the bum, well deserved to these sassy girls.

Avynlea, Natalie and Paige

Avynlea and Elizabeth
The boosters had the food court decorated pretty cute with the favorite decor for Avynlea being the streamers in the doorway. Avynlea used them as her model entrance.
Then we got pictures of Sami and Kefford exiting the door while the rest of us cheered for them. One got into it a little bit more than the other, lol.

Elizabeth, Avynlea and Kefford

Elizabeth and Avynlea, Diana and Natalie and Amy and Paige

Cheer Mom Besties
Elizabeth, Diana and Amy

Avynlea, Natalie, Katie and Paige

Dreya and Avynlea

Dreya, Paige, Avynlea and Natalie

Avynlea and Rylee
Avynlea with her 22/23 cheer season letter awards

Avynlea and Alyssa, Paige and Alyssa, Alyssa and Natalie
There was a photo booth set up at the banquet and the girls were able to get pictures with their coach Alyssa. After the banquet I gave Alyssa a hug and told her how much I appreciated her being such a good coach and advocate for Avynlea and the rest of the team. I told her that she was a big reason why Avynlea decided to stick with cheer and not quit when she wanted to. Alyssa really rallied for the girls and was a big reason for whatever success they had during competition season. She was a highlight of the year for Avynlea and I appreciate that about her.