Sunday, July 24, 2022

Lutes Family Camping Trip Day 2

Day two was Sunday and our family plus some others went to church in Bear Lake. After sacrament meeting Kefford felt the girls should go to Young Womens and so he Avynlea and Rylee stayed for second hour but the rest of us left to go back to camp. Heather asked me if I would French braid her hair and her hair was short enough that I finished the braid with a flip up and it looked pretty cute.
Because it was Sunday we stayed around camp and played games and had fun being with each other. Heather brought the game she just bought called 'marrying Mr Darcy" and that was pretty fun to play. I thought I knew a lot about Pride and Prejudice but I couldn't answer a lot of the trivia questions in the game. We drew cards to see which young lady we would portray and I ended up with Elizabeth Bennett. The point of the game is to end up getting married and I ended up marrying Mr Darcy so it was a good win. 
Life around camp consisted of Joshuas kids playing in the dirt and me delighting in every minute of it. I love when parents just let their kids be and don't get all worked up by a little dirt. Plus dirty faced kids are just too cute.

Joshua and Andrew helped Mom with her daily crossword puzzle, and by help I think it really means they watched her solve the daily crossword.
Later I was sitting by the campfire visiting with my family when Kefford came back from one of his many daily hikes and had me come with him. More family ended up coming along to see a small waterfall that Kefford found.

Kefford and Elizabeth 
Elizabeth and Leona
Kefford doing one of his many poses. I like how the water in the second picture looks more foggy.
Kenedy walked Leona back to camp and they looked pretty cute holding hands along the trail.
Mallory did a good job cleaning her kids up at night by bathing them with wet wipes.
Cute little Fredrick is just a delight to be around. I love his squishy little face.

Every night around the campfire Andrew would lead us in a rousing game of Werewolves.