Saturday, July 23, 2022

Lutes Family Camping Trip Day 1

 Our family decided that maybe it might be a good idea to switch off our family camping trips every year and do it closer to some of us some years. I love the Beach trips but it is nice to do something different and to have to not drive so far for a change. Emily and Joshua found a spot by Bear Lake that Emily has camped at before,  it was in Southern Idaho and it is called Paris Springs. Kefford borrowed a camper from his cousin Coby that he and I could use as well as Mom and Heather and to pull it he borrowed a pickup from his cousin Lance. It was about a 6 hour drive for us to the campground which is so much better then the 13+ hours drive to the beach. We were the first ones there and when we got there we were a little shell shocked, it was not what we were used to nor was it what we were expecting. Well, except for Kefford he was pretty happy with the scenery and mountains around us. It gave him something to climb and do every day when he was bored. The girls brought our tent and they started setting it up while Kefford got the camper parked.

After a while every one started arriving and setting up their things and it started to feel little bit more like a Lutes family camp. Matt and Emily came with their kids, Joshua and Mallory and their kids, Andrew, Mom, Heather, Erin, us and Alec with his girlfriend Pink were also able to be there. It was fun to see Joshua's kids again and I love being with my sisters. I have a tradition of getting a Costco cake for my kids when they graduate and I asked Emily if she would get one for Kenedy and bring it up. I was using it for dessert for our night but wanted it to be a surprise for Kenedy so I had Emily get it and then I paid her back for it. She brought the leftover grad decorations she had for Isabelle and Heather kept Kenedy distracted and out of the way while we decorated and got the cake out.

It was a fun surprise and Kenedy was really happy with the makeshift graduation celebration.
Fredrick picked her a flower which was super sweet.

Fredrick wanted to hold hands with me during the prayer and so we did, After the prayer we reinacted our handling so we could get a picture of us.