Friday, July 15, 2022

July Fun

Heather finally got to go on her school trip to Europe and she had a great time. Shows supposed to go in 2020 but covid shut that down really quick and after rescheduling and cancelling every year this was the year they got to go. While in London she took a picture in front of the Elizabeth Line sign and sent it to me.
Avynlea had Natalie spend the night at our house and they took advantage of the new patio furniture and the warmer weather and slept outside. 
Kefford got a fire pit for our patio and it is gas run. It is a little hard to get started and I need his help so I don't burn my face off. Rylee and I tried doing it on our own and it could have been disastrous. The starter has a hard time igniting and so when it is turned on all you can smell is gas. I thought it would be a smart idea to light the gas with our fire starter stick but all that did was make a big cloud of fire that scared us. WE will hav to leave it to Kefford to start from now on.
Mikell is pregnant with her 7th baby and wanted to do something fun for her kids to find out what the sex of the baby is. I volunteered to make a cake and after she dropped off the results I got to work. I originally said I would do it the next day but I had nothing else going on so I made the cake that day. As soon as it was done I sent her a text saying it was ready and we were coming over. I made a small heart shaped cake and with the left overs made cupcakes. You could see the color of the cupcakes so we kept those hidden until the heart cake was cut and the sex revealed.
Its a girl! She breaks the tie of three girls and three boys in their family pushing girls over onto the winning team! Some of the kids were excited, some indifferent and one...Jason was pretty upset about it. Hahaha 
Kefford, Rylee and I wanted to test out the cooking skills of our fire pit so we roasted marshmallows for s'mores. It worked pretty good and the treats were delicious.

It was about 9:00 at night and I was craving some ice cream. Rylee and I were the only ones home and when I asked her if she wanted to get some ice cream she was all for it. We headed over to Reeds dairy for a yummy treat and then took a selfie in the car. I don't normally eat treats that late and a couple of bites was all I needed to curb the craving so I put the rest in the freezer to eat later.
On Friday Avynlea and Rylee went over to Avery's new house to do some night swimming with her and her sister. They had fun eating snow cones and swimming in the pool with glow sticks.