Saturday, July 2, 2022


Avynlea and Rylee got to go to FSY this year and they had such a good time. Rylee really wanted to room with her friend Avery but because of where their birthdays fell they were in different age groups which meant they couldn't room together, Rylee in the younger and Avery I the older. I figured if Rylee could be in the oldest class for Young Womens that she could be in the older class for FSY and I moved her up. Now she and Avery can room together and have more fun. This also meant that Rylee would be in Avynlea's age group which was fun. They ended up in the same FSY group and their rooms were next door to each other. Avynlea, Rylee and Avery were the three amigas at FSY and they had so much fun and had good experiences. Avery is moving to a different ward and school in the fall and so she and Rylee really enjoyed having this time to be together.