Thursday, February 15, 2018

Valentine's Day

Rylee and Avynlea have been obsessed lately with making slime. They have found many different recipes and have tried all of them and have found the one they love the best. I came up with a great idea for Rylee to make slime valentines this year for her classmates at school. I found a really cute printable online and on Sunday after church Rylee, with some help from Avynlea, made her 
Valen-Slimes. They had a lot of fun making the perfect pink Valentine Slime and the finished product was so cute! 
On Valentine's Day my family woke up to pink heart shaped pancakes, Oreo Truffles I made for them and a Valentine where inside I listed things I loved about them. 
Ady and Rylee also let me braid their hair in a heart shape which looked really cute. 
This is Rylee's last year of having a school Valentine's party and I am ok with that. I did not want to have to deal with coming up with another idea for a Valentines box and so I encouraged her to use her Monster Book of Monsters one we made last year. She came home with the box filled with Valentine's and she said her classmates went crazy over the Valentines-Slime's she had made! Last school Valentine's party was a success!
Kefford and I celebrated our Valentine's Day a day early this year. I needed to be at the church Wednesday night because the Young Women volunteered to baby-sit for couples so they could go on dates. For our date Kefford and I went to Olive Garden for a delicious dinner and then we went to the movies to watch Pitch Perfect 3.  I thought it would not be as crowded because we were doing 
Valentine's day a day early but I was wrong, it was still really busy, maybe everyone else had the same idea?
I know Valentine's Day is not too popular with many people but I love having the opportunity to celebrate the day and to show love to my family. It was a great day!