Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Barnyard

Kefford and Kelsey bought some property in Emmett a couple of years ago and have been renting the house out to some ladies and renting the land out to a farmer. This year they had a really nice corn crop going on so they decided to build a corn maze for the people of Emmett and named it The Barnyard. They have been working hard at it all summer getting everything ready and I was able to take the kids out one night before they opened to have a look around. I was pretty impressed with everything they had done. They had goats in a pen for people to pet and rabbits in a hutch. 
The people renting the house have a couple of dogs and my girls loved playing with them and holding them. Kenedy especially was loving it and was trying to talk me into buying one of her puppies when she had some. Sorry, not interested. 

We decided to go through the maze and Avynlea thought it would be fun to lead the way with a stalk of corn. It was pretty cute and she was a good leader. 
Kenedy and Avynlea decided they were hungry and needed to eat some of the corn that was on the stalks. Sometimes my kids can be a little strange.
On the Saturday that they opened I took Avynlea and Rylee and Avynlea's friend Rose out to The Barnyard for some corn maze fun. While Rylee and I were waiting in the car for Avy to get her friend we took some cute pictures.

Another fun feature at The Barnyard are the pony rides. A couple of girls from Kelseys ward come and give the kids pony rides. It is a big hit and everyone loves riding around the area. Their is a bigger pony and a smaller pony. All three of the girls said they liked riding the bigger pony best. Riding the little pony felt too awkward for them.

The biggest attraction for little kids is the corn pit. Even my kids love hanging out, sliding into and playing in it. 

We had a good time and hope that the Barnyard is  a big hit!