Thursday, September 8, 2016

Gymnastics and Babies

Over Labor day weekend Rylee and Avynlea were in Nyssa having fun with their Grandparents and cousins. Sunday night those of us left back at home had a game night. We played the game of Life on our Nintendo Wii and I will humbly brag that I won, big time! I had over 2.5 million dollars at the end of the game and I wish that I had that in my real life bank account, wouldn't that be awesome! We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs. My Mii, in the game of life, kept suing Kenedy and I made over $300,000 off of her and I think I made $100,000 suing Kefford. It made me laugh because I had no control over it, I would land on a random space and it would pop up that I was once again suing someone. 

A couple of months ago I was looking at the dance website and I called Avy and Rylee over and asked them what dance class they wanted to take this year. Avynlea said that instead of dance she wanted to take gymnastics. This didn't surprise me, she has been talking about taking a gymnastics class for the past 3 years because it looks like fun but also because she wants to do cheer in high school. When Rylee heard Avy talking about it she decided that this sounded like fun and so I shut off the dance website and started looking for gyms. We had two to decide between and one day we went to both of them to check them out and get some information. I asked the girls what they thought and they said they liked the first one we went to. I kind of liked the second one better, it seemed more organized and it has definitely been more advertised. I asked a friend whose daughter is in gymnastics and she said she went with the first one because it had smaller class sizes and was less chaotic. I thought that sounded good and I went with the girls pick, Meridian Academy of Gymnastics. Their first day was the Tuesday after Labor day and they got dressed in their leotards and Rylee kept commenting that it felt weird. I said that was because she didn't have tights on, dancers wear tights and gymnasts do not. 
It was fun to actually be able to be an observer instead of teaching their class. The class had six kids and three teachers and after a warmup they split the kids into three groups and each group got a teacher. I thought it was awesome that they were able to have one teacher helping two kids. They did the Beam, the floor and the bars/rings. These girls got worked hard and they were so tired at the end of class. Rylee said she liked the bar/rings the best and Avynlea really enjoyed the floor. I loved watching them do new things and am excited to watch them progress this year.



Wednesday morning I was texting my Peterson Sisters-in-law about possible dates for our Halloween Party when Whitney informed us that Michelle was at the hospital having her and Trevor's baby. That was excited news and I decided that after I dropped Rylee off at school that I would head over to the hospital for a visit. Alison and Whitney were already at the hospital and I called them as I was taking Rylee to school. Whitney said that Michelle hadn't started pushing yet and I knew she had her girls with her at the hospital so I told her to let me know if she wanted me to come and help entertain her girls while they waited. I hung out at home for a bit and then a half hour after Whitney sent a text saying she was pushing I decided to head to the hospital. It was about 11 when I got there and nothing was happening so I spent some time with my cute nieces. We went on walks to look at baby pictures on the walls and colored pictures. Baby boy was born at noon and we were able to go in for a look. This is a big baby weighing in at 10 pounds 1 ounce! Michelle beat me by 2 ounces for having the biggest baby, Rylee was 9 pounds 15 ounces. He is so cute and so chubby, the one think that surprised me was how light his skin was. I have never seen a newborn baby with such white skin. We are all excited for a new baby boy in our family and can't wait to watch him grow up!

I had to take this picture of Kinsley cuddled up in her Grandma's arms, she looked so chubby and cute.