Monday, September 26, 2016

Free Bread!

I forgot my phone when I went to one of Meridian High's football games. It wasn't that big of a deal to me until I wanted to take some pictures and I couldn't. I was sitting with my friend Deena and she was willing to take a few pictures of my favorite cheerleader for me. 
I was lying in bed super bored one night and took a picture. It gave me something to do for 20 seconds. 
On our second to last Sunday in the Linder Ward we decided to go to our new ward's sacrament meeting. I had looked it up in LDS tools to see what time the Verona Ward met at and it said 11:00. That morning Kefford and I were lounging in bed talking while the kids slept. I decided to check once more on the time and saw that it had been changed to 9:00! It was a little after 8:00 and we flew out of bed and ran around waking up kids and getting ready to go. We made it in time and were able to meet some people such as the RS president, the YW president and afterwards we went up to meet the Bishop. It seemed like a pretty friendly ward and made us excited to be a part of it. During the meeting Rylee drew on the back of the program and I laughed at what she had drawn. Hopefully with time the Sacrament will come to mean a lot more to her then just an opportunity for free bread.
Wendy Chambers was Rylee's Primary teacher in the Linder Ward and these two had a pretty great friendship going on. I think they were both a little sad to be parting ways so they took a cute picture together. 
As we were packing  I found this letter Emily wrote to me while we were at Girls Camp one year. It made me laugh.
Avynlea did not know what to do with her 5th grade PACE project poster so I suggested we take a picture of it and then throw it away. I am pretty sure I have a picture of it in last years collection but one more will not hurt. Now we definitely have record of it!