Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Color Run!!

In February Sara and Trista called asking if Kenedy and I wanted to do the Color Run with them in August. I thought that sounded like fun and totally jumped on board. 
The night before the race Sara called and said her friend Maddie wasn't in town to run the race and would Avynlea want to do it. I knew she would want to but I did not want to pay the money to have Rylee do it too. If one did it the other would want to do it. So I asked Ryker if he was interested and he said he would do it. I thought he was a better choice since he is doing Cross Country right now. 
Sara, Whitney and Trista came by at 7:30 and we got to the race at 8:00. it started at 9:00 but we wanted to get there early so we could get good parking and also so we could start at the front. I had a Bridal Shower to get to at 11:00 and wanted to have enough time to shower when I got home. We took some before pictures and then headed over to the Starting area.

Avynlea and Rylee came along because they wanted to watch and since Sara's roommate Rebecca was there also as a spectator I had them come and stay with her. I had Avynlea hold onto my phone and when I got it back I found so many pictures she had taken. I went through and picked out the ones I was wanting to keep and discarded the rest.

This guy was in charge of the racers and was throwing out race swag. We tried to get him to throw something our way but no such luck. I guess there is a downside to being at the front, we get ignored for the swag throwing.

A unicorn came and Avynlea took some pictures of it. I am thinking it did not run the race and was there as a mascot because I never saw it again after that.

We talked about all of us sticking together since that is the fun way to race with people but when it became evident that some people wanted to do more walking then running I just ran on. I ended up running with Whitney and she was a fun one to be with. We talked and kept each other motivated. 

The girls walked down to the Pink area since that was the last color before the end and it was fun to run through and see them. They even let Rylee throw some chalk. I was worried about the dust and that it would be hard to breath or get in my eyes and cause problems but it was not a big deal. They make it so it does not irritate and I was totally fine going through all of them. 

Kenedy and Sara were right behind Whitney and I and Ryker stayed with Trista so she would not be alone. Once we finished we got a medal and kept being handed bags of chalk. At the end there is a big chalk throwing party with music and booths and lots of fun times I am sure. None of us wanted to stick around for that and so after we collected enough bags of chalk we went to get blown down and headed to the car.

The girls ended up getting chalk on them and I was really worried about it staining their clothes but then decided it was not a big deal and let it go. They had a lot of fun watching and being a part of some of it and that is what matters. Turns out the chalk washed out of everything, even the shirts. I was happy about that!
Ryker, for some reason, did not want chalk thrown at him and did his best to avoid it. Party Pooper!!
I had so much fun and am so glad that we did this. I am definitely doing it again next year. The chalk throwing and running with Whitney gave me such good distractions that I could not believe it when we were done. I thought that there was no way we ran three miles, it felt like less. But Sara tracked it and it was 3.1 miles. Awesome! Definitely will try to get more people involved for next time, the more the merrier!!