Monday, August 17, 2015

A blog post about scout camp by Ryker

This is Baiden on the left and Ethan on the left. This, I think was the first day of our camp out at Camp Morrison.
This was our smoky fire which for some reason everyone but me liked. They coughed, and coughed, and coughed, but for some reason they loved it. (especially Kaleb, he is on the far left)
This was the name of our awesome camp site.
That back there, if you can see him, is Ethan lifting a log (show off)
There he goes again :(

This is me in my hammock.
Ooh, aren't I stunning :)
That is my hammock without anyone in it, I love that hammock
That is the rock wall on which i got my climbing merit badge. We got to climb and repel.
That is the top of the rock wall.

This is my friend Tyler at the emergency preparedness merit badge station.
and Malachi at the same place
Now this picture is interesting. That morning we needed to get up but Baiden wouldn't get up so I threatened to take a picture but I heard no objection so look what happened.
This is at pioneering
same place (by the way i forgot nathan hates pictures, boy in the middle left).
me before i went swimming
if you can see it, a mule deere walked by our camp site
there it is again
This is Nathan  :)
This is Tyler and Kaleb: first day
This is in me and baiden in his tent before it flooded
Same (Baiden can be a little silly ;)

Some of the things I likes about scout camp are,

*the polar bear challenge: We got to the lake at five in the morning and it was not too cold, for the challenge we went into the water step by step, ankles, knees, waist, stomach, and then all the way and dunk. Then we had to sing a really weird repeat after me song. What was funny was the water was  actually warmer then the air outside.

*Climbing: They had a rock wall and the first night we stayed in it because it was raining like crazy. But the last four days it was really fun because the first two or three days we got to climb the wall and then the rest of the days we got to repel off the wall. It was a fun and easy merit badge to get. I really liked the rock wall.

*The mess hall: there was a lot of boys and so it could get really confusing in there but we figured it all out and they had really good food. My favorite was when they made cheeseburgers served with ice-cream, milk an apple and fruit salad.